Fic: A Walk in the Fog

Jul 12, 2014 18:58

Title: A Walk in the Fog
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Adora (mention of Ben and Wheelers)
Rating: G
Summary: How hard is it to get to the barn?
Warning: very pre-series, Tin Man!Adora 'verse *Written for the Random Words challenge at writerverse. Prompts: fog, familiar, crazy, rifle, and bruise
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank ( Read more... )

~challenge, series: tin man!adora, .writerverse, fic: tin man

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Comments 9

bizarra July 12 2014, 23:04:39 UTC
Sweet damn Ozma... that is my new favorite curse.

And probably Ozma's... ;)


erinm_4600 July 12 2014, 23:12:13 UTC
I've been using it a lot lately

It was either that.... or Klingon.


bizarra July 12 2014, 23:17:19 UTC

She hasn't used Klingon in a while...


erinm_4600 July 12 2014, 23:22:29 UTC
That... she hasn't.


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