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Comments 8

bizarra November 23 2013, 04:38:24 UTC
Awesome icons are awesome. :)


erinm_4600 November 23 2013, 04:39:04 UTC
and rushed! LOL

Thank you :D


bizarra November 23 2013, 04:39:54 UTC
Yes, but still pretty good! :p


nymeria_55 November 23 2013, 09:48:48 UTC
Oh my goodness! I never saw a picture of a young Kent McCord! Cute....

And CB as Velvet Road is an awesome choice! Thanks for reminding me :-)


erinm_4600 November 23 2013, 15:22:02 UTC
Thanks! I was trying to go with shows I've actually seen them in.. but I had to wiggle a bit with Kent and Jamie. LOL


havers November 23 2013, 15:26:25 UTC
Nathan had been on DH??? Oh my, how could I miss this. I still don't remember. Nevertheless, loike your icon work.


erinm_4600 November 23 2013, 15:30:14 UTC
He was -- Season Four.. I think? Whichever season they added Dana Delaney, because he plays her husband.

If you remember the tornado episode.... that was the highlight of his run.. and not that memorable, to be honest. LOL


havers November 23 2013, 15:42:40 UTC
No, here clicks nothing ;o)


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