Fic: Can You Feel the Love Tonight?

Mar 24, 2013 01:11

Title: Can You Feel the Love Tonight?
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Oscar and Glinda (mention of most everyone else)
Rating: G
Summary: Just what did happen behind that curtain?
Warning: SPOILERS *Written for Round Three of love_bingo, at gatechic's request. Prompt: Can You Feel the Love Tonight? Original titles are wholly unoriginal.
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sam Raimi, Disney, and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

As Oscar pulled back, Glinda looked up at him. There was most definitely a look of success on his face. Or was that pride? With an airy breath, Glinda shook the mist from her mind and stepped back

Oscar's face fell slightly. "What's wrong?" he asked. The hint of worry in his tone almost made her smile.

"Nothing's wrong," she told him, blankly. Giving her head a shake, Glinda shrugged her shoulders slightly, confused at his confusion. Oscar's fingers went to his lips for a moment as his brow furrowed.

"Oh, it was a fine kiss, Wizard," she assured him. "But, there is much still to be done." She side-stepped and started to reach for the velvet curtain.

"Wait, wait," Oscar stuttered. Taking a breath, he closed his eyes and nodded, focusing himself into a calm, cool presentation. Opening his eyes, Oscar almost looked upset by her words. "Only.. fine?"

Glinda nodded, still smiling at him. "Yes. Fine. As far as kisses go, it was..." she trailed off, glancing at the curtain for a moment as she searched for a word. Looking back at him, she smiled again and nodded. "Pleasant."

"Pleasant?" he repeated with a scowl to thin air. "I think I'd have rather stayed with fine."

Glinda shook her head again. "Is that not what you wanted to hear, Wizard?" she asked. Oscar moved over to the edge of the mechanical contraption and leaned against hit, frowning.

"Not really, no." Glinda cocked her head to one side, holding an unaltered gaze. "I've just never been told it's fine," he explained, making a face on the last word.

"Have you kissed a lot of girls?" Glinda asked simply.

"Yes- I mean," he responded standing straight as his eyes widened with panic. "No." His eyebrow went up. "Wait. Who have you been kissing? To compare it to?" His chest puffed up slightly, though he knew trying to put on a show for her was useless.

"I have kissed no one, Wizard," she continued in that same tone. "Only the cheeks of babies and dear friends." Her eyes raised slightly as he moved toward her.

"But," he started in a low tone, "just.. fine?" He didn't know why this bothered him so. He was one to always kiss and - usually - run. But, with Glinda, he hadn't. He hadn't tried to trick her - much - and he hadn't offered her a music box.

She was... different.

Or maybe he was different. Maybe it was because she looked so much like Annie. Annie, who had wanted him to tell her not to marry John Gale. She knew what he was and still came back every few months.

Annie knew him better than he knew himself, it seemed.

The feeling of Glinda's lips on his pulled Oscar from his thoughts and everything left his mind. As they pulled apart again, Oscar blinked slightly, as Glinda looked up at him with those wide brown eyes.

"Was that better, Wizard?" she asked.

"Huh?" he mumbled, stumbling slightly. "Oh, yeah. Yes, I mean." Glinda gave him a prim smile and nodded.

"Shall we be on our way, then, Wizard? After all, much of Oz still needs our attention." That much was true, as construction was still ongoing to rebuild the damage done by Theodora and Evanora. Glinda pushed the curtain back and nodded to Knuck, Tinker and Finley, then curtsied to China Girl.

"Come, Wizard. There is work to be done." As she continued toward the doors, Oscar leaned against the wall and stared at the floor in confusion.

As she reached the door, Glinda's innocent smile upturned into a devious smirk.

~challenge, .love_bingo, fic: oz great and powerful

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