Fic: Really, the Genuine Thing

Mar 13, 2008 18:24

Title: Really, the Genuine Thing
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: DG, Evie, Stephen, Natalie, Miles, Eva and Frank (mention of Carter, Cain, Glitch, Robo-Mom, Gulch, Jack and Jeb)
Rating: PG
Summary: An innocent comment brings DG face-to-face with Cain's doppleganger.
Warning: post-series. Kinda. Some time after 'Half Life' for Medical Investigation.
Disclaimer: The original characters belongs to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. Medical Investigation and the characters belong to NBC and their respective actors.

The Genuine Thing | Really, the Genuine Thing | Genuinely, the Real Thing

DG had returned all the bottles of mustard to their respective tables and tried to find random jobs to keep her occupied. No, she was trying to find things to keep her from staring at the man sitting at the end table. Every so often, her gaze would find its way to his face.

It was just freaky. Beyond anything she’d seen in the O.Z.-freaky, at that. This man was the spitting image of Wyatt Cain. They even had the same voice! She really must be losing her mind. Call for the men in the white coats, because she had finally snapped.

She’d been having headaches ever since the twister - Mom said they were probably due to her skull smashing into the bookcase, but all she had to show was a knot the size of a quarter. DG stretched her neck slightly and decided it was time for another dose of aspirin. She moved along the counter toward the register and shot another glance at the Cain-double and bent down to find the first-aid kit.

“...they said to check out Blackhawk,” she heard the younger man say. Eva looked from Miles to Natalie, and everyone looked to Stephen, who was shaking his head as he swallowed a fry.

“Blackhawk’s too commercial. You want the true experience, you go to Central City.” The back of DG’s head connected with the underside of the counter and everyone turned at the loud thunk.

“Damnit!” they heard and everyone winced. They’d all been in a similar position and knew from the sound that that one must’ve hurt. DG almost sat down on the floor as the pain coursing through her was so strong. She’d - of course - connected the knot on her head with one of the spacer strips the countertop was nailed to.

Taking a few deep breaths, she tossed the first-aid kit onto the counter and reached blindly for the edge. Heaving herself up, DG pulled her right hand away from the sore spot and stared at her hand. Great! Now she was bleeding. She put her hand back to the fresh wound and hissed slightly as she moved into the kitchen area for a clean rag.

Evie brought the check over and glanced back into the kitchen as Stephen and Natalie looked in the same direction. Evie looked back and waved. “Don’t mind that girl. She’s in her own little world these days.” She leaned over a little and lowered her voice. “Twister touched down by her house ‘few weeks back. Took a pretty good crack to the skull, our DG.” Natalie made a face and Evie continued with an eyeroll. “Claimed she had her own little Oz adventure, too.” Everyone smiled and all turned in the direction of the kitchen a second later when DG yelled again.

“Carter! I told you not to put the knives in the sink!” The team from NIH watched as DG came barreling around the corner and shot to the small restroom behind them. A moment later, she came back to the counter with a wad of paper towels and slumped onto one of the stools.

Natalie nudged Stephen and took the check. “Go play doctor, Doctor.” Miles and Eva shared a smile as Stephen rolled his eyes and pulled himself out of the chair. As he neared DG, he noticed the red tinge in her hair and winced slightly. DG jumped when she realized there was a person standing next to her, which caused Stephen to raise his hands.

“It’s okay,” he said calmly. “I’m a doctor. Just here to help.” DG watched him carefully as he sat down next to her and reached for the first-aid kit. He leaned forward on the stool and pulled a pair of rubber gloves from his pocket. DG’s eyes shot to his hands and watched intently as he pulled the gloves on with ease. Stephen noticed and shrugged.

“Force of habit,” he said with a slight laugh. Nodding to her hand, he let DG make the first move. She rested her elbow on the edge of the counter and bit her bottom lip as he pulled the paper towels away from the cut. He grimaced slightly at the size of the cut - not that he was squeamish, but because it was deeper than he’d like.

Reaching for the iodine pads, Stephen nodded to her head. “That from-” he nodded next to the other side of the counter. DG winced and took a deep breath.

“The blood, yes. The knot, unfortunately, no.” Stephen pulled the pad out of the wrapper and tilted his head toward Evie, who was still at the table talking to his team.

“She said you had a tornado in the area?” DG nodded and blinked. God, her head hurt. But Cain was taking care- Giving herself a mental smack, DG took the opportunity to give this non-Cain a good look. Stephen could feel her eyes on him and forced back a smile.

“Good news is, we can save the hand,” he said with a smile and a nod to the clean cut.

DG gave him a forced smile and nodded once. “Great.” She looked over to the table Gulch had been sitting at just a few weeks prior - the morning of the twister that started this whole mess - and laughed at the irony that, in fact, that had been one of her better days. Dropping her head into her left hand, DG scratched the top of her head. ‘Right about the spot where Glitch’s zipper sat,’ she thought with a grumble.

Looking back up to Stephen, her eyes narrowed. “You don’t have a son named Jeb, by chance?” Stephen smiled and shook his head as he reached for a gauze pad and the roll of tape.

“No,” he said, handing DG the tape. She looked at it for a moment, then back to Stephen. “His name is Jack, actually.” DG nodded and flinched as Stephen placed the gauze down over the cut. He gave her an apologetic look and nodded to the tape.

“So, tell me what happened to your head,” he ordered with a nod. DG sighed and shrugged.

“Wind picked up just right and blew the front door open, I guess. Gust caught me just right and I became one with the furniture.” Stephen nodded with a frown.

“Headaches?” DG nodded. “Did you see a doctor?” DG fought the urge to roll her eyes. Even though this guy was completely channeling Wyatt Cain, he wasn’t Cain. He was just trying to help.

“Yeah. Mom insisted. He said to just take aspirin. Which,” she pointed to the other side of the counter. “Is what started this whole mess.” Stephen nodded and put her hand down on the counter.

“Well, it doesn’t look too bad.” He lifted himself off the seat slightly to take another look. He sat back down and pulled the gloves off, then began putting the contents of the first-aid kit back. “Put some ice on it.” He pushed the lid shut and sighed. “As for that,” he said with a nod to her right hand. “I’d suggest a stop by the hospital on your way home tonight. That should do you, until you can get yourself out of here.” He nodded again and pushed off the stool.

“Thanks, Cain,” DG said before she realized she’d said it. “Sorry,” she stammered. “You remind me of-” Stephen nodded.

“Not to worry. Name’s Conner, by the way,” he said, holding out his right hand automatically. When he realized DG was moving her right hand toward him, he shifted and switched to his left. DG realized it as well and leaned over herself to take his hand and give it a good shake.

The rest of Stephen’s team stood up and Natalie moved over to the register with Evie to take care of the bill. “She’s right, y’know,” DG said, nodding toward Natalie. Natalie turned and smirked at Stephen, who gave her a ‘shut up’ smile.

“How’s that?” he asked, practically beaming. DG nodded to him and laughed slightly.

“You have no idea how much you are the Tin Man.” She lifted her hand slightly and nodded, then moved around the both of them and hurried back into the kitchen. Stephen watched her disappear and glanced back to Natalie.

“What?” Natalie shook her head. She’d seen the girl staring on and off the entire time they’d been there.

“Just wondering if she’s ever been to BYU.” Stephen rolled his eyes and moved over next to Frank as Natalie turned back to the register and laughed silently.

fic: medical investigation, ~crossover, fic: tin man

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