Fic: Wedding Day

Jan 05, 2011 01:10

Title: Wedding Day
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Wyatt, Porter, Adora and Ben (mention of the rest of the Tin Men-in-training and some of the townsfolk)
Rating: G
Summary: While waiting for Adora, Porter accuses Wyatt of being nervous.
Warning: pre-series, Tin Man!Adora 'verse. *Written for Round 34 of prompt-in-a-box. Round 29, Prompt: It's the first time, darlin'. I think you should be gentle with me. (Mal, Ep. 06 - Our Mrs. Reynolds)
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

Wyatt Cain glanced up at the sky of the Eastern Guild. There were clouds, but not enough to cause anyone worry. That didn't change the fact that Wyatt was worried. Though, it wasn't necessarily the weather had had his stomach in a knot. Glancing around, he could see that the whole town was at the Springer farm.

Off to one side, the rest of their squad were talking to each other - plotting something, Wyatt assumed, based on Levi's smirk - and, standing next to him, was his best friend. "You look like you're gonna be sick," Porter told him with a frown. "Are you gonna be sick?"

"I'm fine," Wyatt said with a bite.

"Really, if you're gonna be sick, aim over that way." Porter pointed to a spot on the other side of Wyatt.

Wyatt let out a heavy sigh and closed his eyes. "I'm not going to be sick, Port. And, even if I was," Wyatt grumbled and turned to glare at Porter. "Why would I aim that way?" he asked, pointing to where Porter had indicated.

Porter pointed to his shoes. "Because it's not here." At Wyatt glare, Porter shrugged. "What? These are new shoes."

Wyatt let out another sigh and made a face in Porter's direction. "So, what you're saying is... if I should get sick... instead of throwing up on your new shoes," Wyatt rolled his eyes again, "I should throw up on Adora?" Wyatt narrowed his eyes and looked at Porter.

Porter leaned forward slightly and looked at the spot he'd suggested then straightened. "Yeah, don't throw up on her."

"Sheriff?" Both men looked up at the sound of a clearing throat. John Senior smiled and nodded behind Wyatt. Wyatt and Porter turned together, to see Adora and Ben coming toward them. In half a second, Wyatt felt all the air leave his lungs and was frozen in place.

"You okay?" Porter asked, after managing to look away from Adora. He nudged Wyatt, giving him a look and then popped Wyatt on the shoulder. "Stand up straight." Wyatt rolled his eyes and turned away from Porter.

As Ben and Adora walked toward Wyatt, Porter and John, Adora glanced off to the right, where her fellow Tin Men were making faces. Ignoring propriety, Adora crossed her eyes and stuck her tongue out, then grinned when her father cleared his throat.

Ben stopped as Adora stepped next to Wyatt. She looked at Wyatt and smirked. "You're blushin', Tin Man," she whispered. Adora looked at John and nodded to him, then turned to look at her father.

"You sure you don't want to change your mind?" Ben asked, trying not to smile.

"Dad," Adora warned through gritted teeth, and glanced at Wyatt when Ben snorted. "He's kidding." Adora turned back to Ben and raised an eyebrow. Ben grinned and leaned down to kiss her cheek.

"Love you, Kiddo." He stepped back before Adora could reply and John had already started speaking before she managed to face forward.

Steve's given up on continuity... *eyeroll*

~challenge, .prompt_in_a_box, series: tin man!adora, fic: tin man

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