Fic: Disturbing the Peace

Sep 11, 2010 00:59

Title: Disturbing the Peace
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Wyatt/Adora (mention of Jeb, the Queen and some random OC Tin Men)
Rating: PG
Summary: There's an arrest warrant out for Wyatt Cain... only he didn't tell Adora.
Warning: pre-series *Written for Round 30 of prompt-in-a-box. Prompt #8: When were you going to tell me?
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

"Wyatt Alexander Cain!" Inside the barn, Wyatt winced and finished putting his tools away as he counted to six. His wife never managed to come in on five or seven, but always six. Taking a breath on five, Wyatt hung the saw on its hook and leaned back.

Adora stopped in the open doorway and held up a piece of paper. "What. Is. This?"

Wyatt leaned against the workbench and turned his head toward her. "A piece of paper." Yeah, that was the wrong answer. Wyatt closed his eyes and let out a breath.

"It's an arrest warrant, Wyatt," she said slowly, and with a distinct bite.

"Yes," Wyatt nodded, "it is."

Adora shook the paper toward him. "It has your name on it!" The look she gave him was clear. "And you're calm?!"

"'dor," Wyatt started, raising a hand and turning toward her. She waved the page at him again as he neared and shook her head. Wyatt nodded to the page and reached up to take it from her. "Did you actually get past the word 'arrest', 'dor?" Adora blinked and looked from him to the page and shook her head slightly.

Wyatt's lip curled into a smile and he turned the page to face her. "Why don't you give it another look, sweetheart." Adora took the page and took a breath. He watched as she read the actual charge and smiled as her brow tightened. "It's not real, honey." Wyatt put a hand on her waist and pulled her into a hug.

Adora looked up and frowned. "You're being arrested tomorrow, Wyatt."

Wyatt nodded. "By Dave and Skip." He turned Adora in his arms and nodded toward the house. "It's only for two hours. And, an hour after I'm done, I have to go arrest Dave."

"But, why?" Adora asked, clenching the paper tightly.

"It's for the Library," he told her as they walked back to the house. "They want to buy a new telescope for the Observatory, and... this," he took the page from her, "is how they're raising some of the money. You get arrested, they take you to the Library and you have to get patrons to give a donation so you can get out of 'jail'. The guys on the night shift got a little creative," he explained, holding the page up.

Wyatt helped her onto the porch and pulled her down to the bench. "Everyone on the squad is signed up, half the business owners in Central City Square, the Mayor..." Wyatt leaned close and pressed a kiss just behind his wife's ear. "Even the Queen signed up," he whispered.

Adora frowned again and turned her head just enough to catch his eyes. "When were you going to tell me?" Wyatt tried to give her a blank shrug, but the guilty smile won out, as it usually did. Adora groaned and looked away. "You weren't gonna tell me."

"I volunteered for a time when I knew you wouldn't be here, so that I wouldn't have to," he replied with a shrug. "You also weren't supposed to find this."

"You leave your clothes on my floor-" she started, not needing to finish the statement and he nodded. Adora stared at the trees for another moment then turned back to Wyatt. "Why wouldn't you tell me?"

Wyatt smiled. "Because you kinda freak out, 'dor."

Adora gasped and shook her head. "I do not freak out!" Even she knew that was a lie. "I... dramatically worry." Wyatt snorted and pulled Adora into another hug.

"My mistake," he breathed as Adora curled into him.

"It's for a good cause?" she asked a moment later.

"A very good cause." Adora nodded against his shoulder and then sat up and backhanded him across the chest. "Ow!"

"That's for not telling me!" she said and pretended to fight back and he sat up and held her arms back.

"And I deserved it," he nodded.

"I'm not bailing you out."

"Wouldn't expect you to," Wyatt replied, shaking his head.

"And, next time you get arrested, you're on your own," Adora huffed and gave him a matter-of-fact head shake. Wyatt let go of Adora's wrist and reached up to push her hair off of her shoulder. Leaning forward, he pressed a kiss to her bare neck and moved both hands to her waist.

"Y'know," he mumbled between kisses, "Jeb's at the Cooper's... and, uh... I am going to jail tomorrow. Changes people."

Adora tried to remember that she was angry with him, but Wyatt always knew just where to hold her and exactly where to kiss her to make her melt faster than a wicked witch in a rainstorm. "What are you trying to say?" she mumbled, returning the kisses.

"You could arrest me, for old time's sake," Wyatt told her. He leaned back and pulled her closer. "I'll even resist," he added, lifting his eyebrows and grinning.

Adora straightened and held his cheeks. Raising an eyebrow, she asked: "Am I gonna have to pull out the handcuffs, Officer?" Wyatt's grin only got wider.

Mom did the Jail and Bail once, for the American Cancer Society, way back in the day.

~challenge, .prompt_in_a_box, fic: tin man

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