Title: When Plans Change...
Author: Erin (
Characters, Pairing: Ardala (mention of Buck, Wilma, DG, Az, Glitch, Raw, Jeb and Cain)
Rating: PG
Summary: Ardala always has a plan...
Warnings: post-series for Tin Man, sometime before Season Two for Buck Rogers *Written for
Challenge 2 at
tmcrossovers. Let's just say I went with a rather wide definition of the prompt... For
effie214 and K, because they understand my insanity.
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. Buck Rogers in the 25th Century belongs to Glen Larson and Universal. The OCs are mine.
Ardala swept into her chambers and moved straight to the bar. Reaching for the crystal carafe, the princess poured herself a large glass of the red liquid and didn’t even consider that she actually had people to do just that for her.
No, all that was on her mind at the moment was how to get that man under her control.
She’d attended the conference - what was it the girl had called the meeting? A summit? - because it was her duty. Nothing about the ordeal seemed appealing to her, in any way. But, when her father demanded, Ardala obeyed.
To be honest, a small part of her had been looking forward to the trip, if only because it would give her yet another opportunity to see Captain Rogers. But, what she wasn’t expecting to see was... him.
She hadn't really paid attention to the hours of debate from the man with the zipper. And she tried to stare down the hairy one, but there was something about the look in his eyes that disconcerted her. It was an odd feeling, but she might admit - not that she ever would, of course - that he could see exactly what she was thinking.
The older princess was beautiful - nearly as striking as Ardala herself - and she most definitely would, one day, be a force to rival even Ardala. But the girl really needed to let herself out of the palace, so to speak. It was rather obvious that she was trying to hold herself back.
Maybe Ardala could give her some pointers, take her under a wing.
The younger princess was annoying. She seemed to think that everything had a right way, and she kept interrupting with ideas of fairness and honesty. It made Ardala sick, truth be told. If she didn’t know better, Ardala would swear the girl and Colonel Deering were related.
Shaking the annoyed thoughts from her mind, Ardala refilled her only half-empty glass with more of her private stock and returned her thoughts to the older man, who stood silently in the back corner through the entire meeting.
Ardala was usually one to set the limits of any proceeding, but, just this once, she was actually fine with being told exactly where to sit. She didn't even respond when a mumble from Deering pointed just that fact out. No, Ardala would keep her mouth shut and her eyes open.
She didn't have to give the appearance of looking directly at the Queen, either, because he was standing just behind her. So, even if Ardala wasn't looking at the three women looking back at her, they would never know it.
He wasn't looking at her, of course. But that was most likely because the man knew his place. The younger one - his son, if she had to guess - didn't seem to be as educated in the ways of royal procedure. He never once averted his eyes. "Cheeky little brat," she murmured before taking another gulp of the wine.
He wasn't important, Ardala reminded herself. Even Buck Rogers wasn't a priority for her anymore.
Making Wyatt Cain her consort, however, was.