Title: Have a Little Fun
Author: Erin (
Rating: G
Characters, Pairing: Jeb, DG and a band of OCs (mention of Cain and Glitch)
Summary: DG's trying to get Jeb into the spirit of things.
Warnings: post-series *Written for
Round 4A at
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.
"You're enjoying this," Jeb said with a frown. Well, DG assumed he was probably asking more than he was stating, but she ignored him and continued to watch the performance. The Outer Zone was smack in the middle of the holiday season and, while the world had stalled a bit during Azkadellia's 'reign', tradition hadn't.
As soon as the first snowfall hit Central City, greenery went up; extra lights could be found in trees, windows and along some fenceposts. DG was very happy to see that Christmas was universal and had to endure a few repeated lectures on the holidays of the Outer Zone that had been celebrated long before even her great-grandparents had been born.
For the most part, the Zone's winter holiday celebration was like most on the other side; parties with too much alcohol, decorated trees and, while DG wouldn't call it Christmas music, the sounds of the season had a definite change from the normal.
That particular evening, DG had begged and pleaded to be allowed outside alone. Her parents declined, but agreed that, since she had been working very hard to help restore the family name and the Zone, itself, she should be given a little rope. Unfortunately for her, the other end of that rope was attached to one Jeb Cain.
The oompah band from the Eastern Guild was festively dressed, with bright red jackets and very tall hats. Their trumpets and tubas and other random members of the horn family were bright and shiny and the sound was nearly perfect. They were currently lined up under the gazebo that had been erected in Central City Square, in place of the gallows that had sat on the spot for so long.
As the tubas 'oompah'-ed out, nice and low, DG glanced sideways to watch Jeb. He had stayed because Cain asked him to. DG figured they would have run off into the woods forever, never to be heard from again, but it was apparent that Glitch's memory was better when his friends were nearby. At one point, DG made a comment that she’d fallen into a semi-live-action version of a cartoon, but gave up at the funny looks she got after mentioning talking fish.
A squeak from one of the trumpets pulled DG back to the concert with a jump and Jeb immediately shifted his weight, expecting trouble. "Cool your jets, Junior," she sighed, eyes still on the band. Jeb let out a slow breath and glared in the direction of the band. He was cold and wanted to sit down and didn't like the band ten annuals ago, when they played every event in the Eastern Guild. He was even fairly certain at least two of the band members - one trumpet and one trombone - were the same. And, now, it was snowing again.
As the band played out the last few notes, the crowd applauded - except for Jeb - and the band members gave a quick bow then filed down the steps. As the crowd began to disperse, Jeb went back into protection-mode and shifted so that he was standing in front of DG. She, of course, stepped back and to one side. "Personal bubble, dude," she told him when he glared at her. Once enough of the crowd had dispersed, DG pulled her hat down and rubbed her mitted hands together. "Hot chocolate?" she asked with a grin and a nod.
Jeb rolled his eyes slightly and turned with her, and an eyebrow went up when DG next hooked one of her arms around his. "What? Can't you pretend to have fun?" she asked with a huff. "For a few minutes?" Jeb stopped and turned to face her, but said nothing. DG's eyes narrowed, as she was trying to figure out what he was thinking.
"Two minutes," he finally told her and reached up to brush a stray snowflake from her cheek. DG grinned, grabbed his hand and spun Jeb around so fast that his shoulder was nearly pulled from the socket.