Title: Just Another Psycho
Author: Erin (
Characters: Cain (mention of DG, Glitch and Zero)
Rating: PG
Summary: "It's what the State does..." - Wyatt Cain
Warning: pre-series and Part One *Written for
Challenge 23 Steve isn't right. You should know this by now... o.O *smooches* to
naturalbluicons, who let me bounce the idea off her.
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine. Title is from song of the same name by Motley Crue.
Headcasing was a torture in itself.
Having no frame of reference for the information swirling about, it was up to him to fit the pieces back together.
This one was the wrong color, but the shape was right.
That one didn't fit at all, but that's where he wanted it to go.
The images being projected in front of him were fuzzy, but that was what his brain was telling him was right.
He'd decided it was right. They were wrong.
He was the victim. Not them.
He wasn't dangerous to anyone.
He was a good man.
He wasn't crazy.
"...what they do to criminals..." he heard someone say. Oh, that was him. The fool with the zipper didn't know what he was talking about anyway, so he wouldn't be able to correct him.
"...the way? The way leads through the fields of the Papay," he told the girl as she stomped off.
'Remember, you are the victim... They didn't do anything to you. Not them. They're safe... But they can help you. ...No one will suspect anything if you're with them. Bring them along... If Zero is looking for her, you won’t have to find him.'
'He'll find you...'
Long story short: This song messes with my head. All I can see when I hear it is Glitch. Then I realized: What if the suit was the "headcasing"? And Cain was the criminal? We're talking 'they're coming to take me away'-CRACKED. If I had video skills, I'd make the video in my head. Because there's a whole world of Cain, Glitch and Raw are the crazy ones and DG has NO CLUE....
Why, Steve? Why? o.O