Fic: It's Never Just a Sneeze

Mar 24, 2009 22:20

Title: It's Never Just a Sneeze
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters: DG and Glitch (mention of the family and Carter)
Rating: G
Summary: There's a bug in the zone, and it's not jittery...
Warning: post-series *Written for tinman100's Challenge 21. Dedicated to me and my allergies. And koslorollo, whose typo inspired the whole thing!
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

DG moved into the small kitchen with a tray and dumped a bowl and a spoons into the large sink. Glitch looked away from the large pot sitting on the stove and let the tall spoon rest against the lip.

"He eat it all?" Glitch asked with a hint of annoyance. DG nodded as pulled two fresh bowls from the cupboard and set them on the tray.

It was supposed to be a nice visit up to the Northern Palace, a weekend getaway. "This place is a damn cuckoo's nest," she announced a moment later, waving hand over her head and knowing the reference wouldn't mean anything to Glitch.

Az was the first to get sick, followed by the Queen and Ahamo, then Raw and Jeb. Cain, of course, was the last to fall, simply because he was too stubborn to admit he'd been beaten. Unfortunately, due to the suit, the former-Tin Man's resistance was down and he'd been hit by the bug the worst.

"What's 'Sou'?" DG asked after pulling two fresh spoons from the drawer.

Glitch looked at the wall for a moment. "Sue? Or Soo?"

"Sou," DG repeated with a shrug. She moved around the counter and wrapped her arms around Glitch. He smiled and went back to stirring the pot with one hand while the other covered hers against his chest. "Cain said he was the 'Sou-spitting champion of the Eastern Guild' when he was Jeb's age."

Glitch let go of the spoon again and turned to pull DG close. "I think he's talking crazy," Glitch laughed, stealing a kiss from her. How neither of them had managed to get sick was beyond them, but they weren't going to dwell.

"Stir your Muglug," DG offered with a wink, as she popped up on her toes to look over his shoulder and into the pot. The concoction looked like something Carter had left on the stove too long at the diner.

"Bowls?" he said with a nod toward the tray. Jeb and Raw were next on DG's rounds. DG pulled away and reached for the tray. As she lifted it from the counter and turned, she felt an odd tickle. Lifting the tray over her head, DG dropped her chin and her whole body shook with the sneeze.

"Don't freak out!" DG warned, as Glitch's eyes went wide. "It was just a sneeze."

DG went down next.

koslorollo wrote the next part

~challenge, .tinman100, ~drabble, fic: tin man

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