Title: The Bad Pictures in Your Mind
Fandom: X-Men: Apocalypse
Pairing: Erik/Magda
Rating: PG
Word Count: 763
Summary: Magda always knows when Erik is having a nightmare.
Here Title: Changed In Fire
Fandom: X-Men: Apocalypse
Pairing: Charles/Jean
Rating: PG
Word Count: 526
Content Notes: Student-Teacher relationship
Summary: Charles thought
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Comments 1
*pats Jonathan* *laughs gleefully*
Aww, Zoe! She's right, you know ^^ that's a really nice drabble which sketches how she might've changed while travelling.
I looooove the Avon one, that's so true, and the metaphor of teeth is perfect - evoking both puppies (yay!) and other more sinister or physical things too. Really cool. And the last line is a killer.
You're so right about Hathaway, that's a really nice character sketch of him from Lewis's POV.
And awww, Sakon! It also really nicely displays Sakon's character set against Ukon's. Lovely set of fics!
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