Romantik/Intimität - Küsse (fürs Team)

Sep 25, 2017 23:09

Team: Aschenputtel
Challenge: Romantik/Intimität - Küsse (nicht auf den Mund) (fürs Team)
Wörter: 230
Fandom: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Charaktere: Poe/Finn/Rey
A/N: nachanca hat sich Fluff gewünscht, Fluff soll sie haben. (Und Luke unterstützt es völlig, dumme Witze über den Jedi-Kodex zu reißen.)

Rey presses a kiss to Finn’s forehead when she leaves. It’s a familiar gesture by now, she has done this every time she left his bedside after Starkiller Base. Finn giggles.

“Getting soft, are you? Big bad jedi, getting all soft and mushy on me...” He is grinning stupidly wide and Rey has to fight down an answering smirk.

“There is no emotion, there is peace,” she quotes in her best Master Skywalker voice. Finn rolls his eyes.

“Sounds boring.”

“Sounds wise.”

“What did I tell you about sounding wise?” Poe slings an arm around Rey’s waist and kisses her cheek. “Nobody’s turning into a boring old jedi on my watch.”

Finn chuckles. “Oh, don’t bother, she’s beyond emotion now. All peaceful and stuff.”

Rey nods, gravely. “Yes, yes I am. At least until after training. Then, I will kick your ass.”

“Looking forward to it”, Finn smirks. “We’ll be waiting.”

With an exasperated sigh, Rey waves her hand at the door opener. “Waiting, is that what you kids call it these days?” Her Master Skywalker imitation is getting better and better and it’s creeping out Poe more and more every day. It’s wonderful.

“Oh yes, it is”, Finn says, nuzzling Poe’s neck.

“No passion, serenity, kids.” She blows them a kiss and finally heads off towards Luke’s quarters. She is late, again, but he is getting used to it.

aku, team: aschenputtel, star wars

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