round 7: It's good to be bad

Jul 01, 2016 00:00

This round is all about our favorite villains so it's multi fandom!

Optional to make it challenging would be to only use two of the color palettes below!

+ All icons must be made by you, specifically for this community.
+ You can post your icons in your icon journal and link to them here with 3 examples or post them here under a cut with again, 3 examples. In either version, the icon post must be public.
+ Icons must be within LiveJournal standards (100x100 pixels, .png, .gif, or .jpg format; 40kb or less).
+ All posts must be titled with the round and your claim and the post tagged by your username and the round number like so,
title: Round 50: The Walking Dead
tags; maker: username, round: 1
+Deadline: July 30th at 5pm EST COUNTDOWN
+ If you would like to be included in the voting please enter all links into the code below and add to your submission post. Change [] to <>.



applepips16 | naginis | scoobyatemysnax | shameless666 | adriftingsea

novindalf | violateraindrop | alisea_dream | wickdshy | vintagic

wellhalesbells | goreplz | burntheflaws | anobrain | jsfunction

thecruelone | damsiedam | pamkips | orangelusik | naginis

angelamaria | uglybusiness | poisonfield | fuuurs | erzsebet

scoobyatemysnax | larmay | lookslikerain | acupofgraphics | windsonnetss

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Boris Pelcer | ömer tunç

Yuri Shwedoff | Mika Suutari

Michał Mozolewski | Adnan Ali

*inspiration post, round 7

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