052 - Growing bigger and bigger, only one more centimeter to reach the blue sky...!

Oct 27, 2011 15:58

[Greetings citizens of Mayfield! Today, you may notice something a little out of the ordinary. ... Or perhaps big out of the ordinary instead like that giant Pikachu wandering the streets like he ate a Super Mushroom in Smash Bros.]

Piiika? Pikachuuu...

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Comments 56

Action ⤑ tranches October 27 2011, 12:36:00 UTC
Oh my gosh your so cute!

[ I hope he doesn't mind Stocking picking him up. ]


10_year_old_kid October 27 2011, 18:22:27 UTC

[Oh wow, someone else came and picked him up. He wasn't expecting that at this size.]


tranches October 28 2011, 00:30:52 UTC
[ Oh she's just gonna cuddle him. ]


10_year_old_kid October 28 2011, 02:03:36 UTC
Piiika~ Pikachu~

[Well, he approves of being cuddled anyway. Especially by a cute girl.]


badend_replay October 27 2011, 14:57:56 UTC
Pika Pika.........!!!!

[ Rika looks so confused. She even kind of repeated Pikachu and feels a bit dumb for it. But other than that she's just... staring... in all of the confusion. ]

... Are you lost, maybe?


10_year_old_kid October 27 2011, 18:23:15 UTC
Piiii... kachuuu...


badend_replay October 27 2011, 21:21:42 UTC
[ Rika cautiously walks closer. ]

... mi-. You must have a good view of the town from up there... but is all well? Should you not be alone?


10_year_old_kid October 27 2011, 21:23:33 UTC
Pikapi pika pika... Pikachu.

[It's hard for him to keep track of Ash while he's this big.]


wonribbons October 27 2011, 18:51:11 UTC
Pikachu? [Guess who else is big....... mO_Om]


10_year_old_kid October 27 2011, 18:51:59 UTC


wonribbons October 27 2011, 18:53:54 UTC
Oh, hey! [A pause.] Do you know where Ash is?


10_year_old_kid October 27 2011, 18:55:27 UTC
Pikapi, pika pika...?


surf_n_makai October 28 2011, 00:00:59 UTC
[Of all the things Kono expected to see while being a giant herself is to see a giant Pikachu as well.]

Hey Pikachu... Ash around here somewhere too?


10_year_old_kid October 28 2011, 00:03:02 UTC
Pikapi, piiikaaa...

[Well, he's probably down there somewhere? It's hard to keep track of people who are that small.]


surf_n_makai October 28 2011, 00:07:15 UTC
[Looks down to make sure she hasn't stepped on him or something, just in case. That'd be her luck.]

Yeah. I think I'm starting to get the kind of crazy that happens here. I don't think sitting on a park bench is going to fix this one, huh?


10_year_old_kid October 28 2011, 00:10:39 UTC
Pikaa piichu kapika...

[Well, maybe if it was a giant bench, but we don't have any of those, so...]


igotthisdown October 29 2011, 11:00:13 UTC
[What the heck is that thing?!]

Uuuuh... [Hi, Pikachu, have a giant 13 year old staring at you and trying to figure out exactly what you are.]


10_year_old_kid October 29 2011, 11:17:33 UTC
Pika, Pikachu!


igotthisdown October 29 2011, 11:22:50 UTC
Are you a nice monster or...? [Because he will definitely defend himself if attacked. Veeeery wary.]


10_year_old_kid October 29 2011, 11:24:22 UTC


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