May 10, 2009 22:39
Title: Just to Clarify
Fandom: Star Trek (2009 Filmverse)
Pairing: implied eventual Spock/McCoy, Kirk, other pairings/characters might spoil (highlight to see): old Spock, Spock/Uhura
Prompt: 6-Tell me the truth
Rating: PG
Warnings: Film spoilers
Summary: Kirk needs to have something cleared up. Kinda silly.
“Hey, man, have you got a second?”
The old Vulcan stopped in the nearly empty hallway of Starfleet Academy and turned around, eyes crinkling when he saw Kirk approaching him. “For you, old friend,” he said, “of course.”
“All right,” Kirk said. “So, Spock 1.0-” the time traveler arched an eyebrow at the addition to his name “-tell me the truth.” He lowered his voice, eyes all seriousness. “You and Uhura. Did that happen back where-when-you came from?”
Spock shook his head slightly. “I’m not sure what you mean.”
“Oh, c’mon, don’t make me say it.” He rolled his head back in exasperation, exhaling noisily. “Look, it just doesn’t sit right with me. I mean, it just doesn’t feel-I don’t know-like that’s how it’s supposed to be. Isn’t the captain supposed to get the girl?”
Spock didn’t say anything, but Kirk could’ve sworn he looked like he was about to laugh; but Kirk was pretty sure that Vulcan’s didn’t laugh.
“I’m serious, man.”
“I find the situation rather fascinating myself.”
“Fascinating?” Kirk eyed him, prodding. “So you weren’t-together?”
“Not that I was aware of.”
“Uh-huh.” Kirk nodded, looking satisfied. “I knew it.” He turned his head at the sound of McCoy calling his name from around the corner. “Thanks for clearing that one up.”
Spock nodded and watched him go. McCoy emerged from around the corner and the old Vulcan couldn’t deny the emotions (the emotions he’d gradually accepted as he’d aged, the emotions he hoped the new him-the alternate him, Spock 2.0-would accept as well and maybe a little sooner) that stirred within him at the sight of the young doctor.
When he caught McCoy’s eye, he raised his hand in the Vulcan salute. “Live long,” he said, softly, “and prosper, my friend.”
He watched as McCoy looked down at his hands with narrowed eyes and attempted to copy the gesture. He muttered what Spock assumed was a curse or two, and settled on a nod and a bit of a wave. Any sign of acknowledgement was enough for him.
Kirk looked back at him, brow knit, and saw that crinkly-eye-about-to-laugh expression, and shook his head. Whatever; somehow, that exchange seemed a lot less weird than Spock getting his girl.