Title: Chapter 19
faycequevoudrasClaim: Caleb Danvers/The Covenant
Table: General #11
Prompt: Frustrated
Rating: PG
Summary: The second year after the movie ends.
Notes: The entire prompt will be done in journal formatting.
January 1st: Resolutions
- I resolve to be there for Reid more. The anger is still strong in him, the hunger. Pogue and I have settled in and Tyler is handling it well. Reid is hateful about the restrictions and he needs to know that we understand and we're here for him.
- I resolve not to allow my grades to drop, no matter how little sleep it means I'll get.
- I resolve not to buy a new car this year, no matter how badly Tyler dents it the next time. (Note to self: Learn how to pull out dents without damaging the paint)
- I resolve to keep my journal up to date
February 14th: So this is the only resolution I dropped. Not doing so bad. That's not true. Doing horrible. Sarah and I are done. Between the work and the stress and the family... I don't blame her and I do. Could she have picked a worse day? Could it be more trite? Yet, knowing what we shared and dealing with it post Ascension isn't the same thing. Maybe later we can try it again. Maybe. Right now I have to think of it as a good thing. It gives me time for the others and for school.
Now to find time for my mom and not avoid the tears.
February 19th: Reid asked Sarah out. He doesn't know I know. She called me after telling him she'd think about it. I told her to do what she wanted. I don't know though. Not about them dating but what the hell is Reid thinking?
April 1st: Sarah and Reid went out tonight. Damn, I wish this was a joke.
April 2nd: Pogue made the reservations. Me and him and Florida. Tyler can come if he wants. I'll set him up with transport but Reid's on his own. I'm tired of coddling him. He wants to play like this, so be it.
April 10th: Got so drunk last night I forgot my name. Told everyone I was Pogue. Even Pogue. I don't remember getting back to the room. Or getting undressed. I do remember waking up and hearing Tyler puking in the shower. Glad we changed rooms today.
April 12th: Dear Caleb,
Stop drinking tequila! Seriously. Stop. Forever. On our fourth room this trip!
I love you, Man!
April 29th: Just got my journal back from Pogue after vowing that I will never drink tequila again. He almost made me open a vein and promise. He won't tell me why this is so important but it made Tyler laugh.
June 16th: Doing summer classes. I can't bring myself to go home. Mom begs me to come home, pleads with me to come back. He broke her. I broke her. It's got me thinking about the power and dating. Maybe its not something I should do. I don't know if I can drag someone into this and risk them watching me die. My dad lingered. It brought him pain and destroyed my mom. Maybe its not worth it. How can I think of hurting someone that I loved that much when I loved them enough to marry them?
July 4th: Summer classes are insane.
September 6th: Back to regular classes. Tyler's dating some girl and he wants us to meet her at Hallows. Guess she's a big deal if he's bringing her home for the holiday. Wonder if we're going to end up telling her about the family. He swears he hasn't so... Bet he leaves it to me and Pogue.
November 1st Tyler's girl bolted after calling us liars. Got in her car and took off. She missed a curve and ended up in the hospital. It's touch and go right now and I'm worried about Tyler. He's blaming himself.
Pogue wonders if Tyler's blaming the wrong witch.
November 5th: Election day. Kelly didn't make it. She never woke up from her coma.
December 24th: Reid seems more calm these days. It's like, since Hallows and watching Tyler, he's cleaned up his act. Maybe it's because Pogue was right. We don't talk about it. We've never talked about what we'd do if one of us turned like Chase did. I don't want to think about it but I think maybe one day I'll have to. Today isn't that day though.