ot4 - 17 (brown)

Oct 31, 2007 23:59

Title: snip snip
’Verse/characters: ot4 (mostly megan, francis, and nash)
Prompt: 17 - brown
Word Count: 774
Rating: g
Author's Notes: francis is seven. i think that's all you need to know.

Two things happen on Tuesday that Megan is not expecting - one, she has so little pressing work to do that she leaves the lab at 4:30, and two, she gets home to find Nash shaving her son bald.

"Oh my god what are you doing?" she demands when she discovers them in the upstairs bathroom. Francis is wearing a towel around his shoulders and Nash is dragging a razor over his shaving-cream-covered head. The floor and sink are covered with shorn brown hairs. There's a pair of scissors and an electric hair clipper sitting on the toilet seat.

"Daddy's shaving my head!" Francis announces happily. Nash turns to grin at her.

"Why?" She pinches the bridge of her nose in anticipation of Nash's no doubt headache-inducing reason.

"I'm gonna be Professor Xavier for Halloween. I gotta be bald."


"Except without the wheelchair," Francis continues. He scratches the end of his nose. "Tobe's gonna be Magneto. His dad said he'd glue magnets to his ski gloves."

"X-Men," Nash explains helpfully. He rinses off the razor and attacks the other side of Francis' head. "I tried to talk him out of it."

"You did not," Francis says. "You said those bald cap things in the store looked stupid and I had to be really bald and you could shave my head."

"Well, they do and I did. But what did I tell you about saving my ass from your mother's wrath?"

Francis giggles. Megan realizes he gave up his dad on purpose.

"I'm going downstairs," she says. "I can't watch this."

She doesn't want to know how many razors Nash has used up so far - Francis' hair wasn't exactly short, even though they clearly cut it with the scissors or the clippers before shaving his skull - or how many of those razors are hers.

Daniel has come home and is watching the news and Megan is on the phone with Neil dictating what kind of pizza he should pick up for dinner when Francis and Nash finish the head-shaving and troop into the kitchen to show her. Megan's first shocked thought is that her kid looks like he's in chemotherapy.

"Daddy says I look like I have cancer," Francis says, making a face. "Professor X doesn't have cancer."

"Daniel said that, not me," Nash says. "And then he said Francis looks like he survived Dachau. Usually Daniel has his tact on - he must have had a hard day. Is that Neil?" he asks, apparently just noticing that Megan is still holding the phone. "Tell him to get pizza on the way home."

"I am," Megan says. "He is."

"I'm what?" Neil asks on the other end of the phone.

"Bringing home pizza."

"I should call them. I'll be home in about forty-five minutes. Bye." He hangs up.

"You do look like you have cancer," Megan tells Francis. "My poor baby."

"It's just hair," he and Nash say together. Francis giggles. Nash snickers. Megan resists the urge to smack herself on the forehead.

"Go upstairs and get dressed and show Mommy and Daniel how wrong they are," Nash tells Francis, giving him a push towards the kitchen door. He dashes out. Megan turns to Nash.

"Did you at least clean up all the hair in the bathroom?"

"Of course! What kind of father do you think I am?"

"One who will shave his son's head and make him look like he's going through chemotherapy?"

"Ah, but then he can get the pity candy." Nash does not look remotely ashamed of himself.

"How many razors did you destroy?"

"An entire package of disposables. Don't worry, we didn't touch yours. Or Neil's. Daniel's was however sacrificed for the cause. Disposables just don't get all the stubble. First I cut Francis' hair, then I went over it twice with the clippers, and then we moved on to the razors. I think he looks pretty good."

"I think he looks like he has a brain tumor."

"What did you do to Francis' hair?" Daniel asks, coming into the kitchen.

"He wants to be Professor X for Halloween," Nash says. "He has to be bald. I just helped."

"He does look like he escaped from a concentration camp."

"With a brain tumor," Megan adds. She doesn't care what Francis looks like with the rest of his costume on - he's a scrawny kid and without hair he seems even scrawnier and oddly sadder.

She is however kind of amused that Nash, who can spent twenty minutes with expensive product so it looks like he just rolled out of bed, would tell her "It's just hair."

ot4, tsuki_no_bara

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