ot4 - 97 (author's choice - names)

Apr 03, 2006 20:17

Title: francis
’Verse/characters: ot4
Prompt: 97 - author's choice - names
Word Count: 715
Rating: g
Author's Note: megan gets pregnant by artificial insemination. all the boys donate sperm and none of them are really sure who the baby's biological father really is. i know, but they don't. :D

Getting pregnant was the easy part, Megan thinks. Convincing the boys they really did want to be fathers was the easy part. Telling Mom that her unmarried younger daughter was not only going to have a baby but was going to raise it with the three guys she lived with - without ruining the kid or his future - was the easy part.

Naming the baby? Not so easy.

Well, it would be easy if they would only agree with her.

"Francis?" Nash repeats.

"Bacon?" Daniel adds.

"No, ham," Neil says, taking a pack of sliced deli ham out of the fridge. "Francis?"

"Francis," Megan says for the millionth time. "And not St Francis, either. Francis Michaud, my grandfather."

Because he was the first person who did not laugh at her when she said she wanted to be a geologist and study layers of dirt. Because when she was seven years old he told her she could do anything she damn well pleased when she got older, and she believed him. Because he taught her how to change the tires on his ancient green Buick and then sold it to her for $10 and a six-pack of Pepsi, because she wasn't old enough to buy him a six-pack of Bud. Because he died before she graduated from college, before she got a real job, before she bought a house and before she could tell him she'd fallen in love.

She doesn't know what he'd think of her life now, her house and her boys and her baby whose paternity she doesn't know. She thinks he'd be happy that she was happy, and she hopes the rest wouldn't matter.

She'd want his approval if he were still alive, and maybe this is her way of getting it, his approval and his respect.

"We are not naming the kid Francis," Nash says.

"We are not naming him anything," Megan says, finally fed up. "I am naming him Francis. You can call him whatever you want."

"'Hey You'?" Neil offers. He bites into his sandwich, makes a face, and spits half of it into his hand. "I think the ham expired."

"Hey You Olinmcgowanmckennaostrovsky?" Nash says, raising an eyebrow. "That won't fit on a driver's license."

"Francis Olin," Daniel corrects, "since we're sure who the mother is."

"You know he's really mine. I have the strong sperm." Nash flexes. Neil swats him with the bread. Megan rolls her eyes and wonders what possessed her to think they could father a child, when they're all still children themselves.

"Do we get any say in what to name him?" Neil asks. "You wouldn't have him if it wasn't for us."

"You can pick a middle name," Megan says, hoping they don't come up with three.

"Aurelius," Neil says promptly, and grins. Megan rolls her eyes.

"Do not let a man named Karel - with a K - pick a name for your baby," Daniel mutters.

"Says Alton," Neil fires back.

"Black," Nash says.

"Actually my middle name is Alton," Daniel says.

"No, you dork, for the kid. Frank Black."


"Frank Black! Black Francis, from the Pixies?" The other three look blank. Nash looks appalled. "You don't know the Pixies?"

"Not personally," Neil says, "although the new accountant is really short."

"You want to name my son after a musician?" Megan demands.

"Better Frank Black than Jello Biafra," Daniel points out.

"Philistines," Nash mutters, then blinks at Daniel. "Did you just say Jello Biafra?"


"You know who he is?"

"Nash. How long have I known you? More to the point, how long have I had to listen to you lecture me about music?"

"And yet you don't know the Pixies."

"Boys," Megan says. "This is all really interesting, but can we get back to the important thing? Namely, the baby?"

"Francis Black."

"I kinda like it," Neil says.

"His initials will be FBO," Daniel says.

"Not as good as FBI. Yours are DAM. Damn." Neil snickers.

"Funny, NKMO. Nikmo."

"Klaatu barada nikmo!" Neil is apparently really amused by that. "Too bad I don't have a spaceship handy. Roswell is kinda far...."

Megan lets them talk while she thinks about it. Francis Black Olin. She doesn't hate it. She might actually like it. She just hopes Francis likes it too.

ot4, tsuki_no_bara

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