(no subject)

May 22, 2006 13:08

Community Rules

1. This is an icon community, which means that the only acceptable graphics for posting here are indeed, icons. Please do not post headers, banners, brushes, textures ect. Or your post will be deleted within 24 hours and you will be warned to follow the community rules.

Similarly, please do not post text only posts to ask questions or leave comments. There is a COMM NEWS post that can be easily accessed through the links in the side bar or through the memories. This is the place to leave your comments, questions, and thoughts.

2. If you do have a question, please consult the FAQ first as the answer may already be there. This makes life a ton easier for both you and the mods because you dont have to wait for your answer and the mods don't have to tell you to check the FAQ :)

If the answer to your question is not in the FAQ, please comment with it under the COMM NEWS or the FAQ post itself.

3. The COMM NEWS is updated at least twice a month (on the 1st and the 15th to be specific but it can be more often if it is neccessary). Please check it frequently, (once a week or so) as there can be important announcements / rule changes that you may miss otherwise

4. Icon theivery is a big no-no as you probably know by now...if you are caught using stolen icons, your posts will be deleted and you will be banned from the comm immediately.

If you know for a fact that someone is posting stolen icons in their challenge, please alert the mods via the comm email days100_icons100@hotmail.com so that the matter can be dealt with.

5. When using resources that are not your own, please respect the maker's wishes as far as editability and crediting requirements go.

Much like stolen icons if you are caught using stolen textures/patterns/stock photos and claming them as your own, you will be banned.

6. All posts must be made FRIENDS ONLY. This is to protect your icons from getting yoinked and redistributed by people without your approval.

7. If you would like to post preview batches of icons, that's perfectly fine but please make your previews no more than three icons, the rest must be put under the cut so as to not interfere with peoples friends lists.

8. Icons that portray material that is not suitable for all environments (sex, drugs, ect) must ALL be under the cut. In addition to this there must be a warning in the post that the icons about to be viewed are not safe for school or work

9. If you take on more than one challenge at once, please seperate your preview batches into different posts for each claim. This is just to make them easier to catologue under the memories section. It makes life a lot easier for everyone :)

10. Be respectful to the other comm members at all times.

If you have an issue with another member within the confines of the comm, let the mods know and the member will be dealt with.

If someone is bothering you at your personal journal, take the issue to the LJ abuse staff as they will be able to deal with it better.

*Rules are always subject to change, but you will be made well aware if and when a change occurs.

comm news, rules

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