[Drabble] I wonder if I've been changed in the night {Lost}

Sep 15, 2010 09:25

TITLE: I wonder if I've been changed in the night
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy

CHARACTER: Juliet Burke
GENRE: gen, angst
SUMMARY: Juliet needs reassurance that there is still something of her old self left in her ... Written for prompt #50 "Mirror" for lost_in_108.

WARNING: English still isn't my native language (although I ( Read more... )

{community} lost_in_108, {fandom} lost, {format} drabble, {feature} juliet burke

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Comments 4

pann_cake September 15 2010, 17:49:19 UTC
Ooooh, I like this one! That scene in your icon (Juliet's first scene, actually!) is still one of my favorite things in LOST.

Jules is really a complex character, in that she's so strong, but she doesn't see herself that way. I love the idea of her needing a mirror to hold on to who she is while she's living this life on the island. Especially while on the beach, because even we the audience didn't know if we could trust her, so who knows what was going on in her head.

Ackk, I could talk about Juliet all day long. :P Great drabble, dear!

P.S. I love the Alice in Wonderland references! :D


nicis_anatomy September 15 2010, 18:56:17 UTC
I'm glad you do. Thank you :) Yes, I had this scene in mind, when I wrote the drabble. It was the only thing I could come up with (other than "eyes=mirror to the soul" or the mirror James broke in season 6 *g*). And since I love writing Juliet it was the easiest thing to do.
And the Alice reference ... well, I was looking for a title (these are always so hard to find) and I remembered what Jack read to Aaron, so I went with this one *g*


lormats September 16 2010, 18:54:42 UTC
I don't know how I missed this entry and you know? *sighs* I could completely see Juliet in your story sitting by the beach thinking this... beatiful drabble bb :)


nicis_anatomy September 16 2010, 19:32:33 UTC
No idea. Maybe because I posted it so early? I'm glad you found it, though. And liked it ;) Thank you!
Poor Juliet ... she really had a hard time on the island (unless she could travel back to 1974 *g*)


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