Set #4 from Waldo.

Feb 02, 2008 18:09

Name: thefannishwaldo
# of Pictures: 5
Themes: 001 - safety; 029 - covered; 043 - poetry; 063 - decrepit; 076 - drag
Previous Posts: Post # 1 | 2 | 3

001 - Safety.  I took two of the three ferrets out for a walk in the snow today.  Spirit was very much of the "No thank you!" variety.  He was trying to get into the tree and safely out of the snow.  Not so much with that. :)

029 - Covered.   Magick, on the other hand, thought the snow was fabulous and plowed straight in.  Several times in fact.

043 - Poetry.  Yeah, more morning shots from me, but seriously, can you blame me?  This one was at the end of my own street, which aims out over the lake.

063 - Decrepit.  This is down the street from me.  I live in an older area of Chicago that's gentrifying, but they're trying to preserve a lot of the really cool old facades.  So where they've started tearing buildings down, they've left up the frontices that are still pretty cool.

076 - Drag.  Somehow Spirit couldn't understand that dragging himself backwards through the snow would NOT get the snow on him off him.  But he scooted across about ten feet of snow like this.

decrepit, covered, thefannishwaldo, drag, poetry, safety

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