Photographer: Donna
Number of Photos: 7
Themes: 1-Safety, 5-Open, 25-Drops, 43-Poetry, 47-Statue, 66-Dance, 99-Time
I have challenged myself to take as many of the photos as possible without leaving the confines of our property. Of course, this means some of the photos are VERY literal.
1) Safety - Just a postscript, this picture was taken and posted on October 6, 2007, representing safety. On November 12, 2007, this fence and the building to which it was attached were blown over by a windstorm. So much for safety! ;-)
5) Open
25) Drops, can one picture count for two words? If so, any true Seahawks fan would get this one as Irony.
43) Poetry
47) Statue
66) Dance
99) Time