Photographer: Rosie55
Number of photographs in this post: 11
Themes: 13 Irony, 25 drops, 27 dry, 36 yellow, 44 Heavy, 47 Statue, 54 Cream, 58 Field, 61 Music, 88 Stand, 93 Shatter
For anyone interested, here are links to my previous posts in the challenge:
First set 3 Pictures
Second set 8 "
Third set
Read more... )
Comments 12
I like 'em all, but I'm gonna go with shadow and drops as my faves in this batch.
Glad you like the pics, though, except ....shadow? I have done that but not in this batch! *bg* (Though funnily enough, it was the very first pic I posted and remains one of my favourites!)
I have the same problem. I've exhausted my resources around my house, it'll prolly be 2-3 per post now until I go on another trip...
But ones and twos aren't bad, right? n_n
I almost took a picture of my choir rehearsing for music but just couldn't face explaining what I was doing to seventy people! Even sneaking a picture of the music stand at the end of the rehearsal last week got me a couple of funny looks!!
I'm beginning to wonder whether I might get myself a 100 leaf photo album, you know, when I finish and print out the pics and mount them in it, with the prompts - I am enjoying the challenge so much! I rarely print pics these days but this may be the exception. Maybe someone clever could design a "front page" we could print off and fill in our name, dates, etc. What do you think?
Reply're going so well!!
Yes, it's very addictive, this challenge and my daughter is joining in now, so it is going to be interesting to see our different approaches. I have never got so much fun out of my camera before.
I may be slowing down a bit on posting now, though - getting to some of the more obscure ones!
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