Title: Between the Bashing and Kidnapping
Fandom: Real Person
Characters: Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock
Prompt: #26; Honor.
Word Count: 1001
Rating: PG-13.
Summary: After party meet up.
Author's Notes: Based on a real event which began and ended happily. Based on a Pulp Friction scene of GilmoreGirls season5. I don't know them. This is just how I think it should be.
“I’m going to go introduce her to some people; don’t get drunk without me.” Charlize winks at Keanu as she rises from their table with her mother.
“Too late.” there’s truth within the joke but he‘ll keep that to himself. He salutes them with his glass, watches them go off, and finishes his drink in one quick go.
“Enjoying the party, I see.” Sandra sits down across from him as Keanu elegantly turns his surprise into a pleasant smile. His painfully good manners and air of 1920s sophistication kill her with every meeting.
“Mostly.” he raises his hand to gesture vaguely. “They always remind me of a high school dance -- the constant photo taking, the fake smiles, the way people who barely know each other act like best friends.” he motions for a passing waiter to bring him another drink. “But a stiff drink never hurts the occasion.”
Sandra leans forward, chin in palm. “I never knew you went to your high school dances.”
“Once. It was terrible.” he chuckles to himself at a memory, but doesn’t share. Sandra scoots down another seat so she’s closer.
“You came with Charlize.” elbow on the table, she folds her hand over to set her chin into her knuckles.
“And her mother.” Keanu lazily settles back, watching people mingle with mild interest.
“Any particular reason?” she tries to keep the rising need for gossip out of her voice. Also the annoyance that he’s treating her as if he’d rather be talking with someone else.
“Well … she gave birth to Charlize, so I guess she felt the need to repay her back somehow.” Keanu’s lips twitch in a flash of a smirk.
“I usually am. Ah, thank you,” he acknowledges the waiter who drops off his order. Keanu slugs back about half in a few moments’ time. “You came alone,” he notes tracing the ring of the glass.
“I felt it was best. So you and Charlize.”
He grins to himself. “Me and Charlize. A more fascinating topic?”
“Presently. Gearing up for The Devil’s Advocate II?”
“No, just Sweet November.”
“Ah. Yes. The one you asked me to--”
“I did.” he sips the drink. She can’t explain the decreasing eye contact except it makes her nervous. There’s a break here but no telling how it occurred or what can be done to fix it.
“She’s kind of boyish.”
“Excuse me?” Keanu asks testily.
“Charlize. Physically speaking, kind of more male than female features. Her mannerisms as well, the rough voice, her tough attitude, just project more testosterone to me.”
“She’s beautiful. I hadn’t noticed otherwise.”
“Really? You haven’t noticed that?”
“No.” the word was clipped; Keanu’s mouth a straight line. She’d gone too far. Sandra could almost see the brick wall standing solidly between them.
“Oh.” she hits the table with both hands, never one for defeat. “Let’s go. It’s what, only one? Plenty of time to buy a six pack and catch up on old times.” grabbing Keanu’s hand Sandra leaps up from the table, taking him with her. She can hear the clink as his glass spills over the expensive cloth. Keanu resists momentarily but wisely decides it is futile.
“Sandra, where are we going?” he demands while bumping into several people, passing apologetic smiles behind him.
“Have I told you how sexy you look tonight?” she asks as she pulls him into a darkened corner, turning around to face him. The low lighting plays well with her skin.
“Between bashing my date and kidnapping, no, I don’t think we got around to compliments. You look nice.”
Sandra slouches pouting. “Nice?” she grabs a fistful of shirt with vest and kisses him. She has bad aim and attains more cheek than lips; gives herself a good burn from his beard before he breaks.
“What are you doing?”
“You were sheltered as a child. I knew it.” she clutches his shoulders to steady him so she can kiss him again, actually hitting her target this time. Keanu grips her face in his hands, deepening their kiss and losing himself inside it until his senses are regained.
“I have a date,” he belatedly argues.
“She has her mother.”
He gently takes hold of her wrists and removes her hands. “I’m not leaving.”
“Keanu.” she stomps her heel. “Be reasonable. I doubt she’ll notice you’re gone.”
“I’ll notice. I have some honor left in me, Sandy. Don’t take it away.” he retucks his shirt which became mussed during their intimacy. It simply refuses to stay inside the vest. A few fruitless tries later he gives up, frustrated. “I’m going back to the table. I‘m going back to my date.”
Sandra presses a hand into his chest. “Wait, wait. Okay. So we don’t leave now. But at the end, yes? Have I mentioned I’m loving the beard?”
“I have a date and she is who I will be leaving with. No flattery can change that.”
She crosses her arms, her eyes unable to rise above the button on his jacket. “I don’t like you and Charlize together. It bugs me. Happy?”
His arms fold across his chest. Keanu shifts his weight, regarding her carefully. “If I remember correctly you were the one -”
“I know what happened I was there. I know what I said.” she looks at him and for the first time that night they make eye contact. Neither one wants to break the intense stare down first. Finally Keanu turns his head to scan the crowd for Charlize.
“Good; then it’s settled. I will go back to my date and you,” he faces her for a brief moment, “can go mingle with old friends while making a few new ones. Good night.”
Sandra watches Keanu walk away from her, much like she did to him a few years before. He goes straight to Charlize, whispering most likely an apology in her ear. She nods understandingly and loops her arm through his. Sandra walks off just before Keanu kisses Charlize’s cheek affectionately.