Title: They're Caught in a Trap
Fandom: The Sentinel
Characters: Jim Ellison, Blair Sandburg, Simon Banks
Prompt: 092. Trap, Table 1
Word Count: 780
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Violence, angst, pain
Summary: Someone is after Jim and uses Blair as bait.
Author's Notes: I do not own The Sentinel or any of the characters. This was written for entertainment purposes only and no money was made in this endeavor.
Table They're Caught in a Trap
Jim knew it was a trap as soon as the three men surrounded him. One of the men was holding Blair's limp body upright by his arms. Jim could see the beatings Blair had been given. They had used Blair to get Jim to come. They knew it would work. The Sentinel and the Guide were linked together. But, more than that, Jim and Blair were best friends who would do anything for each other.
Jim tried to move towards Blair, but the other two men stopped his forward motion.
"You have me! You don't need him anymore! Let him go!"
"But we do need him, Ellison. He's our insurance that you will do what we want you to do."
Without warning, Jim was hit over the head and dropped unconscious on the floor.
"Put them in the cages and make sure they can't see each other."
It was hours later when Jim came to. He cautiously extended out his senses and Blair's heartbeat came to his ears. Jim tried to see where Blair was, but he couldn't see his friend. Jim decided to call out and see if Blair was awake and aware.
"Blair? Chief? Can you hear me? C'mon, Chief. I need to know that you're okay."
Jim listened for any word from Blair. After some time, there was a slight moan.
"Chief? C'mon, you need to talk to me. I want to hear actual words."
"It… hurts, J'm."
Jim could hear the pain and hurt in Blair's voice. He suspected how much Blair had been hurt.
"I know it hurts, buddy. But you need to hang on. I'm going to get us both out of here, but it may take some time. You can hang on, Blair."
"I… can… hang… on." Each word held a world of pain.
"That's it, Chief. Keep up those good thoughts."
It took longer for Jim to get them released from the men who wanted to kill them. When he unlocked the cage where Blair was being kept, Jim thought the young man hadn't been able to hold on. But Jim found a weak pulse and shallow breathing. Very much longer and neither of them would have survived. For if Blair had died, Jim knew he wouldn't be far behind.
Jim watched intently as Blair was loaded into an ambulance. Only then did Jim let the paramedics check him out. He wanted Blair looked at first since he was more severely injured. Only then did Jim start to relax. It would still be a fight for survival at the hospital, but Jim knew Blair had been through the worst of it so far.
Jim allowed himself to be treated at the hospital as long as Simon kept up to date with Blair's treatment.
Jim got permission to go up to Intensive Care to look in on Blair. When he arrived outside Blair's room, he noted that Simon was in with the younger man. Simon turned to see Jim in his wheelchair outside of Blair's room. He turned back to Blair and spoke softly.
"Jim's here to see you, Blair. Just as I said that he would be. I'll let you two talk."
Simon passed Jim as he left the room. "The doctor says that he's in a light coma, but that coma patients usually hear parts of what is going on around them. I told Blair that you'd be by to see him. That you needed some rest, but that you would stop by. You best get in there, Jim. He's waiting for you."
"Yeah, I'm sure that he is, Simon. Thank you."
Jim wheeled himself inside the ICU room and over to the bed. He took Blair's hand within his, careful of the IV running there.
"Hey, Chief. I'm here. I know you expect me to be by your side and that this time it took a little longer than usual. A trap got me to that house. They used you as bait to get me there, knowing there was no way I could resist. I'm sorry that I got you involved in an old case that had nothing to do with you. I know you can hear me, Blair. I want to tell you that if you want to go, I will totally understand. It's been a great ride, but if it's over, I hope that we can at least remain friends."
There was a slight tightening of Blair's fingers around Jim's hand. Jim felt it and knew it meant that Blair had heard him and understood what he was saying. Jim could only smile. He knew Blair would be okay, eventually. It all would be okay.