Title: Reconnection to Reality
Fandom: The Sentinel
Characters: Jim Ellison/Blair Sandburg
Prompt: 065. Scream, Table 1
Word Count: 306
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Spoilers for the episode, 'Sentinel Too, parts 1&2'
Summary: Blair is having nightmares.
Author's Notes: I do not own The Sentinel or any of the characters. This was written for entertainment purposes only and no money was made from this endeavor.
Table Reconnection to Reality
He was down the steps and skidding to a halt outside Blair's bedroom door just as the scream started to die down. Jim tore open the door just as the second scream came out of Blair's mouth. Jim's eyes quickly adjusted to the dark as he saw Blair sitting upright in his bed, breathing heavily, his heart pounding. Jim sat down beside Blair and pulled the younger man close to him. He could hear Blair's sobs.
"The fountain again?" Jim asked softly into Blair's ear.
Blair only nodded his head, burrowing closer to Jim, twining his arms around Jim's waist.
"I've got you. It's okay. It's over and it won't hurt you anymore."
"I… woke… you." It was mumbled against Jim's chest.
"It's a small price to pay for your security and sanity."
Jim started a slow rocking back and forth. He could feel Blair calming down. Jim kept up a soft running commentary while continuing to hold Blair close.
Blair felt safe and secure. He relaxed against Jim's chest. Jim was rocking them back and forth. Blair had apologized and Jim had dismissed it. Blair felt he didn't deserve such a friend.
The drowning had been a reoccurring theme in his nightmares ever since they had come back from Sierra Verde. It was the moment he was drowning that brought the screams. He was helpless to change anything. It was the unknown, even though he knew he had survived. Somehow, in his nightmare, there were doubts about living and Jim wasn't there to bring him back. That's why he always calmed down when Jim came in response to his screams. It helped him to reconnect to reality.
Blair patted Jim's chest as he drifted off to sleep.
Jim kept his hold on Blair even after he was asleep. It was the least he could do.