CSI/Greg Sanders/Show/Thinking Back/Wishing/Visits/Teacher/Taking a Shot

Jul 03, 2006 20:39

Title: Through Their Eyes
Fandom: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Characters: Greg Sanders
Author's Notes: Funnily enough... All about Greg... But barely any Greg. Amusing, right? Anyway. Each character of CSI (basically the main 6) and their thoughts on Greg.. Kinda. Hope this counts. Also, the timing of each is radically different. I honestly don't know how they could be arranged, but I hope it doesn't get confusing. And hopefully you all like. ^_^ That's the main thing.

Title: Show
Prompt: Old
Word Count: 818
Rating: PG-13
Summary: He was getting OLD, is what the problem was.
Author's Notes: Brass's Story. I have never written Brass. Have never even tried... And this is my first shot. Probably a little OOC but and a little bit confusing because to be honest, I didn't know exactly where I was going with it so... Hope it's okay.

It had started out as a joke. Some rookie cop had been rattling his mouth about how the CSIs were getting younger and younger as time went by and soon, they'd have teenagers running around solving crimes instead of causing them. Other cops laughed and agreed and as did Brass. Until suddenly the mood had been broken when that same cop mentioned how the same thing might be happening to the LVPD as well. As though to give a hint, he gave a side glance towards Brass' direction. Glaring, Brass only stated quite coldly, "If you spent more time working instead of yapping, maybe it could happen. For now though, I think I'm safe."

Quickly, the mood turned and the rest of group broke apart, mumbling excuses of work and what not. Brass huffed before downing a cup of coffee, that ended up being the coldest mush he had ever tasted. Disgusted, he stormed into his room, peeved beyond his mind for some reason he couldn't explain.

Soon, his phone rang and he had a case to solve, which meant the CSIs. Soon, he arrived at a Dance Club followed by Gil. Hanging around, he realized he couldn't seem to remember the last time he ever went dancing. Sure, he didn't like to dance, even as a teenager but when did he get so damn old?! Did the years just pass by without his knowledge and force him into reality? Jesus, he even had an EX-wife and a daughter old enough to give her own body away. Where the hell had time gone? Then he realized, Gil was gone and he was left to interview the rest of the people at the club and time was passing once again.

But Gil returned soon after, just in the middle of his interview. And amusingly enough, there was the reason he was angry in the first place. So, he supposed it was no shock to himself that he snarked out a, "Hey, Gil. Wait. You've got something stuck to your shoe." As though not expecting a reply, he continued on, "Oh, no, it's just Sanders."

Greg looked at him strangely, a mix between a glare and amusement. Brass smirked at the reply and went on his merry way.... as merry as interviewing anyone could be. He listened in on Greg and Gil's conversation as best he could without showing he wasn't really listening to his interviewee. It was when he heard Greg's comment of "I've never seen this place with the lights on before," that his fury came back to life. It was sorta like, DAMN this was just getting to be too much for him.

What the fuck was wrong with this world that he had to hear shit like that?

But he was getting off topic. He was getting OLD, is what the problem was. He didn't like the idea of having to give up his job because he couldn't do his job anymore. He could almost see it. Him, wrinkled and weak with very little ability of movement. Then seeing some young rookie, maybe even that brat cop who had been talking up a storm, getting the job he had worked too hard at.

Brass did have to admit. Time was going way too fast. Not that it was his fault or anything like that. It was just a natural progression of life.

He sat in his office, contemplating just where he was going with this. It really didn't matter that the CSIs were getting younger, was it? That really wasn't his problem. His problem was what he was going to do when he got too old for this job, which he had to admit was probably coming nearer and nearer. He didn't care that Greg was so young for a CSI. Hell, he had been too young to be a lab tech when he first entered and yet he still escalated to being the head DNA tech despite his age. If things went the same as they had then, Greg would definitely be up to Nick and Warrick's level in no time.

He had to say that he was fucking proud of the damn boy. Despite his annoying tendencies now and then, he had grown up since they had first hired him. Who cared about his age and shit like that. It was all the work he had put into everything.

He supposed that's where he was really getting at. Despite it all, age really didn't matter in this business. Hell, look at Grissom. He just hoped that he'd achieve a whole lot while he was still in his stand. And he sure as hell wanted to be around to keep watching Greg grow up even more. He didn't want to miss that show.

Title: Thinking Back
Prompt: Genius
Word Count: 714
Rating: PG
Summary: His first view of the boy was just.. he's YOUNG.
Author's Notes: Grissom's Story. Unfortunately also my first try with Grissom. This whole thing is full of firsts so if the characters are in any way OOC (which they are bound to be) then I apologize and do tell me what's wrong so I can... learn from it? Yeah. That's it. Also, XP I kinda leave the ending sort of open-ended... All to your desire what you'd like to happen.

His first view of the boy was just.. he's YOUNG. Granted, Grissom supposed he shouldn't be one to judge. After all, he must've been younger than this Greg Sanders was when he received his first job. However, Gil could admit that despite his first instinct, the boy had extremely good grades and hightly praising references.

The boy himself, however, looked fairly nervous to be in the chair in front of him. He squirmed repeatedly, keeping his mouth shut.

Above his glasses, Gil eyed the boy, taking in what exactly he could. He didn't seem professional. Although for a recent graduate, he did clean up quite well. His hair was spiked up with its tips being a faint blonde but the rest a dark brown. He took off his glasses and blinked repeatedly. His clothes seemed fairly tame, though he wasn't used to applicants wearing a plain black t-shirt but nice pants at the same time. Greg sat tight-lipped, not certain of what he could do.

Gil nodded to himself, as though his study was well enough and told Greg that he was hired with pleasure and that the lab was right across from Grissom's own office. Greg, in return, thanked Grissom profusely before starting to get up and head to his home. Grissom stopped him when he reached the door and told the boy that they'd need some of his blood. Looking at his new boss awkwardly, Greg just nodded, apparently not trusting his voice to ask why.

He watched the new tech walk into his domain, smiling. He wasn't sure what made him think this, but he was certain that this new hire would be interesting in the years to come (if he lasted through the first week of hazing, that is).

His mind reeled as he brought himself back to present time. About 7 years after Greg was hired and here Grissom was thinking back to the time when he first hired the boy. Grissom sighed, before placing his glasses back on his face after a long moment of wiping them clean of lord knew what. He had been sitting in his office since he heard the news and refused to leave until he heard further news.

It hadn't been the same as with Holly Gribbs. Sure, she had been a part of CSI, but she was fairly new. He hadn't grieved as hard. With Greg Sanders, it was definitely different. The boy was a legacy of his own. He had been who Grissom had hoped would elevate to even Grissom's level, possibly further.

For such a young man, Gil had to admit that he was a genius. He had the capacity to learn more and still retain all he had learnt before. It was why Gil was more than happy to let Greg become a CSI. He knew that Greg would be able to take the job whole-heartedly and become a greater person with it. He just didn't understand why this had to happen to him.

There were always problems in the workplace. After all, hadn't that been how Holly died? But this time, it wasn't the same. Why? Because it hadn't occured in the workplace. It had happened while he was off duty. While he was driving home, after solving a particularly hard case. After Grissom himself had sent him home, knowing he was in dire need of sleep after pulling many hours. And he got into a car accident because of some drunk.

Grissom pounded his fists against the desk. It was his fault. If he hadn't sent him home. If he HAD sent him home but earlier to get some rest. If he had offered to give him a ride home like he had thought he should. He didn't understand what was going on. This was GREG SANDERS. He wasn't just anybody anymore. After many years working together, he guessed the boy had warmed up to his heart... Who knew?

Looking up, Grissom saw a figure open the door and enter. He stared, trying to keep his emotions in check as the person spoke, it barely registered who it was exactly. He only hoped for good news.

Title: Wishing
Prompt: Smile
Word Count: 606
Rating: PG-13
Summary: He had changed. That was the first thing she noticed.
Author's Notes: Catherine's Story. More OOC? No idea... Judge for yourself!

She hated him. Not completely because god, if she didn't love that boy as much as she did, she wouldn't hate him as much as she did right now. If she hated him but didn't love him, she'd ignore the poor boy. It'd be like he was some kind of pebble in her shoe and she couldn't wait to get rid of him. However, that wasn't exactly how she felt for him... She wished she could describe it, but Greg Sanders was just so obvious that you couldn't missed him at all!

He had changed. That was the first thing she noticed. He wasn't Greg Sanders the lab tech anymore. He was Greg Sander the CSI. It was like he had a title change and suddenly, he wasn't the same person anymore. Gone was the care-free, kinda wacky Greg. He had turned into such a serious and depressing person ever since he became a CSI and Catherine half hoped that he hadn't taken that step to change jobs. Of course, she helped him right along but that was before she realized the consequences of such an action.

What she hated the most is that he had been the one that had cheered her up during shift in the first place. He cheered everyone up as a matter of fact. They didn't work together that often anymore so maybe he had gone back. But the few rare times that she did? He wasn't the same anymore. He didn't even make his COFFEE anymore which she had to admit, despite apparently being costly, was hellofadamn good.

Most of all, she missed his smile. That darling (a word she didn't often use) smile that made him even more adorable than before, which to be honest was a difficult thing to do. She never did tell him how much she loved to see him smile, and joke around. She wasn't IN love with him to be exact, but she did love him for sure. She had been so grateful for him for certain occasions that it was hard not to love him at all.

And she couldn't tell him. How exactly would that conversation go?

"Hey, Greg. Did you know you don't smile anymore? Just wanted to tell you."

Oh, that would sure go over well. He'd probably bat an eye and tell her that things change. Or something similar to those lines. She didn't think she could take the rejection. Which was weird. Hell, Catherine Willows being "rejected" by Greg Sanders would probably be the biggest news in the lab. But how could she tell him that she missed his smile? That she missed the Greg that she and Grissom had worked hard to get hired despite his age? She supposed she'd have to live with it little by little...

She walked into the lab's break room after moping for awhile in her office, if that's what you could even call it. She found the coffee pot filled to the brim with new coffee, her being the first to get any and happily took it. Taking a sniff at the flowing steam, she recognized the coffee she was holding and looked around the room to find Greg sitting at the table, asleep with a bit of drool hanging from his lip. Catherine laughed slightly to herself. Maybe he'd come back his own way. Who knows? Maybe her Greg would come back, she thought as she took a seat beside him, sipping her coffee happily.

Title: Visits
Prompt: Loud
Word Count: 808
Rating: PG
Summary: He wasn't exactly a rock person, after all.
Author's Notes: Nick's Story. Just didn't ever see Nick having a part in the explosion at all... Wanted to see his part. Kind of. XP Might not make sense... Which I apologize for completely.

If Nick had been told weeks ago that he'd miss hearing Greg's loud rock music playing through the place, he'd have laughed in their face. He wasn't exactly a rock person, after all. And yet, here he was, missing Greg Sander's usual blaring rock music. It had been a short time since the explosion and he couldn't believe that Greg had been pretty much caught dead center in it.

He guessed he should be happy that his close friend hadn't been worse off than he ended up being. He also thought he should count his own blessings that the rest of the lab was so lucky as well. Still... it didn't stop him from missing someone.

Sure, Nick hadn't been as close to Greg as he used to be. But, time does change some things and the bond between the two just slowly started to grow longer. He didn't know when it started exactly, but it had still escalated.

Nick paced the break room, wondering what he should do next. He had been the only one of the night shift to not visit Greg. A notion that he found everyone knew. But what they didn't know was that he felt guilt. Stupid, right? He had no reason to feel any guilt. He hadn't been the one to cause the explosion or had any part in it. Yet still the feeling persisted.

Maybe, he thought, it was all due to the fact that he hadn't been there to help. Or that he hadn't been around to point out little things, such as the hot plate being on, something he had always pointed out when he visited the quirky tech. Maybe because Nick frequently pointed it out, Greg himself had phased out the hot plate in his mind. But then Nick's visits lessened.

Actually, Nick couldn't remember the last time he had visited Greg, just for fun. To check out what the guy was doing that day/night. He couldn't remember joking with him about weird cases or talking about the latest games. When had they gotten to serious? When had they grown apart?

A voice stopped him in his tracks. "You're going to make a hole in the floor if you keep pacing that way."

Nick spun around to see Sara, looking as weary as he did, leaning against the doorframe. He sighed before slumping onto the nearest chair.

She smiled briefly at him before taking a cup of the coffee that sat there. Taking a sip, she immediately spat it out into the sink nearby, "Ugh," she moaned, before dumping the entire cup into the sink. "I wish Greg would get back already. If only for his coffee."

Nick's eyes narrowed, "If that's the only reason you'd like him back, then maybe you weren't as close to him as you thought."

Quickly, Sara reared her head to look at him, "You must be joking, Nick." She glared at him from her spot, as she poured the entire coffee pot out. "You know that's not the reason I'd like him back. I was just trying to cheer you up. You looked down, but apparently all you'd like is a fight," she snapped.

He leaned back on his chair, staring up at the ceiling, and sighed, "Sorry, Sara."

"Apology taken."

Nick noticed the voice was coming from a spot closer than before and sat up to see Sara sitting in front of him.

She looked at him strangely before asking, "Why haven't you visited him?"

He stiffened at the question, "I don't see why it matters."

"It matters to Greg," she paused slightly before continuing, "He's asked about you, you know. He thought that maybe you were under some difficult case and it took your attention."

Nick frowned, "He's asked about me?"

Rolling her eyes, Sara said, "Of course he has. He thinks of you as his best friend. And for you not to visit at least once since he landed in the hospital hurts him. He does his best to push it off but... The boy is horrible at lying."

He sighed before getting up, "It has nothing to do with him. It's all me."

Laughing slightly, Sara commented, "You sound like you're breaking up with him. All I'm asking is that you visit him." She got up as well, and left the room without a backward glance.

Nick groaned and mumbled to himself, "Does she have to have the last word?"

Soon the male found himself in front of Greg's room which had strains of his music drifting out the door. Smiling to himself, he opened the door, "Hey, Greg. Sorry I haven't visited."

Title: Teacher
Prompt: Patient
Word Count: 280
Rating: PG
Summary: He wasn't used to teaching.
Author's Notes: Warrick's Story. Blah. I didn't like this one like the other ones and it was also the last one I wrote... Mainly because I can't really get into Warrick's mind. (Well, not as much as the other characters). For that reason, it's also the shortest of the 6. If you like it... I'll find that an extreme accomplishment.

He wasn't used to teaching. He had done seminars and things like that, but to actually teach another person to do what came like second nature to him was a different story all together. And now Warrick Brown found himself in that exact position. He had been the last person left to help Greg learn how to be a CSI. Grissom, of course, had started it all with Nick right behind him. Although, Warrick thought chuckingly, it was also to Nick's benefit that he got Greg to help out. Catherine did her part soon after and Sara had always been helping out with Greg since she started... Well, not exactly since she started.

Now it was Warrick's turn. He wondered exactly how he was supposed to go about it. He wasn't exactly that close to Greg, even though the lab tech seemed extremely intune to each and every CSI. He supposed that he could always be rough and strict. Or maybe friendly and understanding. Or calming and... Whatever. This was utterly useless. He'd just have to deal with it as it came.

Suddenly, he realized that Greg was missing and sighed. Seconds later, his phone rings, as though reading his mind and Warrick answered it to find the missing man on the other side. He told him of his mistake and braced himself for what was to come.

He was right to be worried when he found Greg wearing a t-shirt and sneakers to the crime scene. Bracing himself, all Warrick knew was that although he didn't know how to approach this. He knew that he had one thing he would need. Patience.

Title: Taking a Shot
Prompt: Chance
Word Count: 905
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The boy had been so engrossed with the case that I thought any word I had said had gone in one ear and out the other.
Author's Notes: Sara's Story. So my second attempt at Sara? Hopefully as good as the first attempt went. (Actually third considering Nick's story has Sara...) Also, this is the only one written in first person.

It took me a while to realize that Catherine had actually asked me that question and it hadn't been in my imagination. "That isn't any of your business, Catherine," I snapped angrily, wondering where she got the nerve to ask such a question.

"Chill, Sara!" The look of surprise on her face probably mirrored the one on mine from hearing her even say the word "chill." Since when did Catherine use words like that? She shook her head slightly before continuing, "It's not like I asked you what your sex life is like. I just asked what the hell you feel towards Sanders. Nothing fucking big that you'd have to snap at me like that."

I glared at her, not wanting to answer. Which I ended up doing by taking a big sip of my mildly warm coffee that had started out as being steaming hot when this conversation began.

She sighed, running her hand through her curly blonde hair, apparently frustrated with this conversation. She rolled her eyes as well, a movement I'm familiar with, before she started to talk again. "Look, Sara, I'd rather stay out of your business, but the boy's been moping for the past couple of days and it's been getting a little tiring."

Wanting to hear more, I asked, "Moping? About what?" I shifted in my chair, watching as Catherine pursed her lips, seemingly wondering whether or not she should tell.

Giving a little nod, which to me indicated that she decided to tell, she answered, "Something about a lost chance with you." She rose an eyebrow, a move that I still wish I could do, waiting for my response.

Immediately, I flushed. I had hoped that Greg hadn't realized that I had asked him out that faitful day he had passed his final proficiency. The boy had been so engrossed with the case that I thought any word I had said had gone in one ear and out the other. Apparently, I had been mistaken. I didn't try again after that, embarassed that I had even done something like that. "I... I..." I stuttered, trying to find my words as best I could. Half weary, I managed to put my thoughts together, "It isn't a lost chance... exactly. I mean, I hadn't meant it in the way it must've sounded but... I kind of did?"

Catherine sighed from across the table, shaking her head in despair, "Sara. I know this is difficult for you. You hate to talk about yourself." I started to protest against the statement, which led to Catherine glaring at me. "You DO. Don't try to deny the obvious. But honestly? If you like the damn boy-man, then just go for it. He's been pining after you for a long time and I'll be damned if he's going to stay moping just because he thinks there's no chance."

I looked at her for a long minute before laughing a little, "Boy-man? Catherine, where do you get your terminology?" She glared again before sighing for probably the tenth time this entire conversation.

"I mean what I say, Sara. He may seem aloof half the time, but he does have feelings for you."

The words shut me up and I looked at her seriously, "I... I know I don't talk about myself all that much, but I do like him... I think," I said, hesitantly.

She rolled her eyes before getting up. "You know what you want, Sara. Do what you'd like. You're a grown girl." She sashayed out the door, another movement I was envious of.

I continued to watch her walk away before turning to the coffee mug in front of me. She did have a point. Only I would know what I wanted. And only I could do what I needed to do. Damn it! I was a grown woman and I didn't need to be afraid of a little crush... Right? What was it about this boy-man, to steal from Catherine, that had me shaking in my boots?

I rolled my eyes as I continued to ponder. Okay, it had nothing to do with Greg. Well, kind of. I just always wonder what the hell he saw in me. I wasn't appealing in any way. Not like Catherine anyway. She could walk into the room and all eyes would follow her. I'd walk into a room and all anyone would see was some tall skinny girl and proceed to go on with their business. But he didn't. He'd really look at me. He'd laugh with me, joke with me, TALK with me. I didn't know exactly what that meant. Did that mean he was interested? Or that he was just like that with everyone? That he could find out how to entertain and interest each and every person in sight.

I sighed as I got up from my chair, making a small decision. Taking a look at the clock there, I hurriedly left the break room after dumping my completely cold cup of coffee and headed purposely for the lockers. Finding the person I wanted, I called out his name, "Hey, Greg!" He turned to look at me curiously, and I gulped back my desire to escape, "Any chance you're free?"

table-1, csi: csi

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