Title: Stranger and Stranger
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Notes: You're not going to get two drabbles out of this one. Only one. A slightly different take on the "Noir" theme. (Because we all love Kirika and Mirielle, and even bodhisattvas get impatient sometimes.)
Bosatsu-something )
Comments 6
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(Hrm. Mirielle and Sanzo are a lot alike, aren't they? Traumatic incidents in their childhoods, act all tough, but have a soft spot for short kids with amnesia, blond...)
(Hey, you have a point. They both wear skirts, too. Except Mirielle says that she's going to kill her short kid with amnesia, Kirika doesn't eat nearly as much as Goku.)
"Well, whaddya know. Gunshots and terror and Sanzo isn't invloved. Feeling lacking, Blondie?"
Hahaha. I don't think Gojyo would live past that comment. Hahaha.
This made me laugh and laugh. I don't know the other show, but it tickled me.
Thanks for sharing,
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