Title: Simple Smile
Author: 1000traenen
Claim: Adam Ross
Song Title Prompt: Turn the Radio Up
Warnings/Spoilers: none.
Author's Notes: CSI:NY and related characters belong to CBS and other lucky people. I just write stories about them.
Simple Smile )
Comments 3
*LOL* I love the whole "exploring the leftovers in the fridge" bit *giggle* men can be such slobs when it comes to buying food ;)
I can see Adam deciding it was a good day because someone pretty smiles at him :D
I love that last line, and I can't wait for the post-Snow Day fics!!
As far as the post-SD fics...I'm getting there. They're rather heavy, so it's taking a little longer than I'd like. But I'll get them up ASAP.
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