WOOHOO! And we're underway! Welcome to August Rush for 2014. This year, we have SIX wonderful fandoms for you:
1. The challenge will run for 20 days for the weekdays from 4-8, 11-15, 18-22 and 25-29 August, with the weekends as 'catch-up' days.
2. Every day of the challenge I will post a graphic from each of the chosen fandoms as voted by you.
3. For each day's graphic in your chosen fandom/s, you will be asked to create at least either a drabble or two icons.
4. Should you wish, you can collect up your week's graphics and from all of them create at least a 500+ word fic, ten icons, or a banner/wallpaper
- OR you can wait and write a 2K+ fic from all of them for the month, or create 40 icons, or 5 banners/wallpapers
- OR create any combination of the above that makes up the numbers, eg: 1 banner, 10 icons, 5 drabbles and one 500 word fic; or 20 icons and a 1K fic; or any other combo like this
5. If you want to choose a different fandom for each week, each day, or any other combination that works for you (all of them if you want!), that's up to you. You can do all the days for more than one fandom.
6. Post in your journal or wherever you normally do and please link your creation/s for each day back to that day's post rather than in a separate post. At the end of the week, I'll post a 'creation' entry and we'll summarise all the week's goodies there.
- OR you may choose to hold off and just post the link/s on the 'weekly catch-up post'; totally up to you on that, but feel free to post your creations in your own journal and/or wherever you post in the meantime; that's just dandy! I'll do a final post once the month's over to show everything we created and their counts.
Once the challenge finishes, I will offer the following rewards:
- a personalised completion gif (banner-size) to anyone who completes the full four weeks of the challenge (20 creations or equivalent in each fandom chosen) in more than one fandom
- a personalised completion banner to anyone who completes the full four weeks of the challenge (20 creations or equivalent) in one fandom (Edit: making 20 creations in collective fandoms also qualifies here)
- a personalised participation banner to anyone who makes any ten creations (any fandom/s) over the whole challenge
- and everyone who attempts the challenge but makes fewer than ten creations (any fandom/s) will be able to claim any of the non-personalised participation banners that I will make for each fandom
(PS: if anyone would like to help make the banners, please PM or email me)
Did I forget anything? Ask away if anything is not clear.
Click the pics for larger versions
Agents of SHIELD:
Almost Human:
Harry Potter:
Star Trek-TNG:
Go ahead and create: most of all, have fun! ;-)