Weekend Challenge! Randomly generated

Feb 15, 2014 01:28

Hey everyone, it's my turn to offer you some weekend fun! Or at least I hope it's fun. ;-)

This weekend, I have fifteen word-based prompts and fifteen picture prompts for you to choose from - choose as many or as few of each as you like. Multiple people can use the same prompts, as I know you will all interpret and/or use them differently.

I used a random generator-thingy for the short phrases or words (from 2 to 8 words forming an idea or sentence), and I googled a few random things for the images. Nothing is fandom-specific, though I'm sure some of them will seem like they 'fit' perfectly, and some will be up to you to make fit for who or whatever you please.

All I ask is you offer up a 500+ word fic or a wallpaper/banner or 5 or more icons by the end of this weekend, and I will offer you a drabble or an icon of your choosing/prompting in return, or I'll write 100+ words in a WIP I have going on (H50 or original or that Narnia RPF that's been hanging around FOREVER!) and offer you an excerpt as your reward.

Use the prompts as random or non-randomly as you will! No limits; any genre, any style, any or no fandom. As long as it's in by Sunday midnight EST, I will offer up a reward; after that, it's still good, but the creation will be its own reward!

I'm off to bed now, but get your claims in while I'm gone and I'll give you the prompts as soon as I get online in the AM. Sleep tight!

weekend: challenge

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