Long challenge poll 2022

Jan 10, 2022 18:04

Hey, everyone, it's time to look forward to this year's long challenges! And we want your input! I have listed most of the long challenges we have had in the past, although I've left out Advent and Swap of Joy, as well as 100-in-100 as these are ones we're likely to run in some form or another in December.

Long challenges generally run for six weeks each, starting from Jan 16th, which means we have room for seven of them before December. Please vote for as many as you like, but aim for a minimum of three and preferably no more than seven, and try to vote for ones you would like to take part in. There is no requirement to take part in them, by the way, but it would be great if you could!

If you don't know a particular challenge, try checking out the appropriate tag for samples and/or explanations of each one, though I will point out that we never actually used video games, so if you have a brilliant idea on how to run this one, please do vote for it and tell us about it in the comments.

Poll Long Challenges 2022

The other thing I'd love to hear from you is whether you can help run any of the long challenges, and if there are any dates you cannot help out in, so we can roster them. You can run these alone or with another person who is also interested, and we'll pair you up if you show interest, so don't worry! We will also support you in any way you need while you're in charge!

If anyone's up for running our first challenge, which will be from 16 Jan to 28 Feb, let us know in a comment (and you may be able to choose the challenge too if it looks popular enough), then we'll get you on it ASAP!

Finally, if you have any NEW ideas for a long challenge and want a chance to run it, tell us about that in the comments too!

I'll leave the poll open for three days, and then we'll look at deciding which are the most popular in terms of participants and people who will run them. Thank you all!

admin: poll

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