Hi everyone! I'm thrilled to say, firstly, that I am back on fast speed internet again, so this post should be up in no time! Secondly, it also means I was able to catch up on everything at the comm that's been happening over the last few days, ESPECIALLY all my birthday creations! If I haven't said this before, you guys are all INCREDIBLE! You absolutely rock. I'm so blown away by all your kindnesses and all of the wonderful creations! THANK YOU SO DAMNED MUCH! BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!!
Anyway, the reason we're all here in this particular post is for more pics! Onwards...
Now, some of these are still individual shots, and of course as you'll note from yesterday, I've moved onto pairs shots for some of the fandoms. I'll just reiterate what I said previously about these - you are free to create whatever you like about these pairs, be it a romantic/slash/het pairing, or just friends, or gen or any other thing you like; that's all up to you!
Avengers - Fury & Coulson
Larger version here Hawaii 5-0 - Danny & Chin
Larger version here NCIS - Abby & Gibbs
Larger version here Star Trek - Nero
Larger version here Supernatural - Sam
Larger version here Remember to link your creations back to this post, or else you can wait for this Sunday's catch-up collection post! ;-)