JUNE BINGO: Rules and Stuff

Jun 01, 2015 12:55

Hello and Welcome to JUNE BINGO!!!!

This post contains all the rules (and stuff.) The actual cards are at this post.

First of all - What do you have to do to shout BINGO, even if it's in the privacy of your own mind? There are several ways to achieve a Bingo:

5x5 Bingo

1 Line - Any line of five connected prompts, this can be vertical, horizontal or either of the diagonals.
Corners - All Four corner prompts on your card.
The Corner Belly Button - All Four Corner prompts of your card AND the free space of your choice.
The Cross - Middle prompts including free space of your choice.
Bingo Blackout - Complete all 25 prompt boxes of your card

3x3 Bingo

1 Square - Complete 1 prompt on your card
Line - Complete 3 prompts on one line of your card
A Corner - Complete 4 prompts in corners of your card
Mini Blackout - Complete all 9 prompts of your card

2x2 Bingo

1 Square - Complete 1 prompt on your card
Doubles - Complete 2 prompts of your card
A Corner - Complete 3 prompts of your card
Mini Blackout - Complete all 4 prompts of your card

Bingo Examples - http://heffermonkey.livejournal.com/174701.html

If you're not sure about any of this, please ask! This is the place for initial questions, but any Bingo post is fine, or you can email me at tkeylasunset@gmail.com.

What about when I finish my first card?

If you complete ANY of the above bingos you have the opportunity to attempt a different bingo with another card.

- Completed Bingos can be completed/posted all throughout the month until July 1.
- You can post your completed Bingos anywhere: here at the comm, in your own journals, AO3, personal websites - it's entirely up to you. If you post them direct to the community, please use the 'challenge: bingo' tag and a creation tag for your post.
- How you fill a prompt is up to you. There is no right or wrong way to interpret a prompt.
- You can change 1 prompt of your Bingo Card if you are uninspired. This can be any square, and the subject you choose is up to you. Change for any prompt on another card, or choose your own.
- Picture prompts on regular Bingo can be interpreted any way you choose.
-Prompts on the Graphics Only cards can be interpreted in whatever way the muses inspire you.

What constitutes a fill?

Prompt Fills can be completed in several ways:

At least 100 words Per Prompt.
You can include several prompts in your fic, but the combination must still reach the word count minimum, e.g. Incorporate 3 prompts into your fic and it must be 300+ words long. 9 prompts and it must be 900+ words long.
Fics can be connected i.e. several 100 word drabbles of the same theme, or all stand alones.
All types of writing are accepted, from fanfic (any fandom), meta, original, RPF.

Graphics - per prompt:
2 Icons
1 Wallpaper
1 Friends Only/LiveJournal Banner

You can mix and match and fill your bingo with fic and graphics if you want. Even the graphics only cards can be used as written prompts if that’s your choice.

You'll find the cards at this post. Anyone can choose any card, and more than one person can use the same card, although it would be great to see them all in play, so check what others have chosen and aim for something different if you can! If you can't, no big deal.

Comment there to say which Bingo card you're playing, then head off and create - start straight away if you like.

If you complete your first card and wish to play with a second, go for it! Just head back to the card post and comment with the name and number of your new card.

What is my reward when I achieve one or more bingos?

Rewards are on offer for everyone who completes their first Bingo Card as follows:

5x5 Bingo

Five-in-a-row - a personalized participation icon and a plain Bingo icon
Corners - a personalized participation banner
Lines - a personalized participation banner and a plain Bingo icon
Corner Belly Button or The Cross - a personalized participation banner and a personalized participation icon
Bingo Blackout - a personalized completion banner and a personalized completion icon

3x3 Bingo

Lines - a personalized participation icon and a plain Bingo icon
Corners - a personalized participation banner
Corner Belly Button or The Cross - a personalized participation banner and a plain Bingo icon
Bingo Blackout - a personalized completion banner and a personalized completion icon

2x2 Bingo

A Square - a plain Bingo icon
Doubles - a personalized participation icon
Mini Blackout - a personalized completion banner

If anyone else wants to volunteer to help with rewards, that would be awesome! Comment here or email me at tkeylasunset@gmail.com.

Cards are here!!!

Have fun and create!!!

challenge: bingo

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