Meanwhile, elsewhere...

Nov 29, 2006 21:32

*The Decepticons' old underwater base had been rather quiet as of late. With the truce in place, everyone seemed to prefer hanging around in Autobot City or some other such location. For his part, Echoshift saw no reason to leave behind a perfectly good set of personal quarters and go through the bother of moving all his assorted belongings to an entirely new location a number of miles away (one of the downsides of having accumulated too many belongings over time is that the idea of moving them over any particularly long distance can seem like a daunting task), and had therefore opted to stay put.*

*This option, as with most if not all options, had its downsides.*

*One of which being that everybody else who had opted to do the same... well, simply didn't seem to be around any more. Hence the reason for the base being rather quiet as of late. Too quiet.*

*Echoshift was bored. He made regular visits to Autobot City of course, but when the current crisis had started to spiral into downright craziness, he'd decided to leave the rest of them to deal with it and returned to the underwater base for a break. And a stiff drink. Trouble was, the base here was still noticeably empty. And it bugged him. No-one else around, and all that disused space...*

*...nah, he couldn't possibly claim the whole place as his own. Even if no-one else was around to make use of it any more. It would take too much effort, and he couldn't be bothered. He could, however, pick one of the now empty rooms further down the corridor and use it as a personal storage room. Because although the idea of moving all his stuff off-base would make anybody grimace, moving some of it further down the corridor wasn't quite as difficult. And really, when things in your quarters were getting to the point where you were having problems finding any more clear floorspace to put any more stuff on, it was probably time to start thinking about storing some of your clutter elsewhere.*

*Halfway through the process of moving roughly two thirds of his assorted clutter from his quarters to the new storage room, he pauses and looks thoughtful as the idea of claiming the whole now-empty base for his own purposes occurs to him again. Then he headshakes a little before ignoring the idea and continues with simply moving his stuff from A to B. Maybe ignoring the idea would make it go away after a while, or at least make it bug him less. Though admittedly all the disused space was simply being wasted. And there was probably a way to gain access to at least some of the areas that were, for the moment, out of bounds. And there might even be a way to reset the computer system back to its default setting so he could make it answer to him instead of the missing commanders. And the mess hall could really do with a decent bar...*

*Echoshift dumps the next load of stuff in a random spot on the floor of his new storage room and returns to his quarters, digging out a datapad and stylus from somewhere amongst the remaining junk and scribbling something on the datapad. Then he goes back to moving clutter, pausing occassionally in his work to come back to that datapad and scribble more ideas onto it as they occur to him. By the time he's cleared out what he thinks is a reasonable amount of stuff from his quarters, the datapad is full of rather hastily scribbled notes.*

*It's probably a fair bet to say he's changed his mind on not making use of the wasted space by now...*
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