title: Chances (7/ )
fandom: Glee
pairing: Rachel/Will
rating: PG13ish
spoilers: Through Sectionals.
a/n: This part . . . is pretty long, and things happen. This is the part I've probably spent the most time on so far, so I hope you guys like it.
takemeaway is a huge help, and awesome beta, and I think still needs to watch Community.
Prologue Part
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Comments 36
And I just noticed that you write Community fic! I've just discovered this wonderful show, so once I'm up to date will have to make sure to come and read your fic.
I loved the steady progression of their relationship, the way it's a slow burn rather than a dramatic flare up. I loved how they were always on each other's minds - Will setting a test just so he could have a bit of a daydream really made me laugh!
Heeheehee, and Will being jealous of Finn? *squees* So, so cute!
The bathroom scene was uber hot. The "Finn interrupting/everybody finding out" scene that followed was really well written. There was just the right amount of tension, awkwardness, and underlying lurve.
P.S. I also loved the smooching at the end. Yay for smootching!!!!!!!!
And that little scene in the bathroom; it just popped in; I didn't even plan for it, and while I was writing it, I was thinking, 'Oh, yeah, this is sexy; they're jammed in a tiny bathroom,' but I really liked how it turned out, and I'm glad you did too :)
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