Title: Sidewiner Pairing: Craig/Max Rating: NC-17? Summary: Avenged Sevenfold song-fic Disclaimer: Don't own Don't Sue AN: This was originally written for a different fandom without the sexy stuff (:
LOVE LOVE LOVE. Just so you know, it took me 453234234 times, to write those three loves. I kept hiting the freaking r button instead of e. Lmfao ANYWAY, this was amazing. AY-MAY-ZING(: <3
Comments 3
I can only imagine Craig's reaction. Haha
Awesome job
Just so you know, it took me 453234234 times, to write those three loves. I kept hiting the freaking r button instead of e. Lmfao
ANYWAY, this was amazing.
That was hot...and the ending was hilarious! xD
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