2019 is Finally Here~!

Jan 02, 2019 14:26

Okay, so I know this LJ is basically dead, but I think in this new year I will try to bring it back to life by posting more often.

I still have to decide on a schedule (because I’m obsessed with planning, what’s new), but I think I’ll post something once every week if not every two weeks (^з^)-☆

A long list of new year resolutions would’ve been too overwhelming for me, so this time, I only have 3, and they’re pretty straightforward. The first one is to improve my Japanese and the second one is to live healthier by being more selective in what I eat and exercise more often. The third one is probably going to be the hardest one so far; I want to remove all the toxic people in my life by the end of 2019. To be frank I’m still not sure how this would turn out, but I guess it’s worth trying if if it means improving the quality of my life significantly.

2018 has been shit, but then again, a lot of good things happened as well. 2018 is the year I finally saw Ryosuke in person for the first time after five, almost six years of loving him. 2018 is the year I started working for an amazing company with a kind and supportive boss. 2018 is the year I finally kinda figure out what I want to do with my life.

Frienderinos, thank you for being my friend in 2018, for taking care and tolerating me. As said by Ryosuke, let’s have a dazzling year~ ٩( 'ω' )و
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