Dec 21, 2009 19:41
[ If anyone happens to browse the 6th floor hallways, they'll find a very upset Lelouch tied up in a wreath by an overgrown red bow. He's long stopped struggling after his seriously incapable stamina gave out on him.
So far, this holiday season sucked. Big time. ]
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Having fun there, Lelouch?
Wait! Um...i-it's........okay. I'm guessing it was another mansion thing...?
Yes, that's exactly what it was.
[ ...which is partially a lie. ]
[ Suzaku catches up with Lelouch, although not looking at him directly. Still sorta akwardly embarassed. I mean wouldn't you be if you kissed your same gender friend? ]
His pace quickens, but Suzaku could easily out-walk him. ]
I should go. I was actually on my way somewhere before I was attacked by that thing.
Wait! Before you go I wanted to ask what you wanted for Christmas.
You've already given it to me.
[ He gently taps the corner of Suzaku's mouth, then his own, then laughs. ]
I'll see you later.
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