Title: Ill-Starred and Ill-Begotten
Fandom: Count Cain
Characters: Cain-centric, also Riff. With obvious future Riff/Cain.
Genre: Introspective
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 781
Warnings: I suppose a warning for vague, non-detailed violence is in order. But otherwise it's pretty innocent. Oh, and it also has the dreaded second-person POV.
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Comments 4
I actually have a fondness for second-person POV, and this was done really well.
Personally, I love second-person POV. But I've heard a lot of people say they really can't stand it. I think that partially it gets a bad reputation just because of all of those You-Sue fics out there.
I squee too whenever I see something new for this fandom, since it's gotten fairly inert (at least on LJ) now. :P
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