Sad things

May 19, 2005 00:25

This is an exchange between two of the many sides of the emotionally unstable Jezzah. Gore factor very high. Discretion is encouraged.

Furious me: I’m soooo mad! You suck world!! I hate you with every nerve and fiber in this wretched body of mine! How dare you take away from me both Knockout and Twin Spica at the same instant?! Those two are the only programs that I live for nowadays!! How could you subject me to utterly horrible atrocities?! What have I done to deserve this?! Why are you so cruel?!

First, you did not give me a life. I did not want that to ruin my summer vacation so I coped. I turned to TV; I was contented. I thought, “Hey, this is not so bad.” Then you plagued me with trashy programs. I did not bother to care. There were two to keep me alive anyway. I carved their timeslots on my heart and I did not dare miss even a single episode, unless factors beyond my control intervened.  I have trouble remembering times and dates but I can tell anyone the timeslots of those programs in my sleep. But you just had to make my life more miserable, don’t you? You just had to snatch both those programs. And at the same farking time to generate more impact, to make the blow more banging. You are so horribly harrowing. You really suck.

Nice me: Hush. Calm down Furious Jezzah. Surely there is a good to all these. You could use a little positivity. *smiles sweetly*

Furious me: *gives Nice the finger* Positivity my arse! Yeah right, there’s a gooooood to me losing my raisons d’etre.

Nice me: Keep your cool, Furious dearest. Those aren’t you raisons d’etre. That is too shallow. Don’t let your anger cloud your vision. I know you. I know that this is only your anger speaking. Your true purpose can never be amongst those programs. I know that you know that in you hearts of hearts. Listen to your inner self and let go of all that fury. Look at yourself from a distance and you’ll see the good aspect of this incident. I can assure you that you’ll feel so much better. *hugs Furious*

Furious me: Get away from me! Like duh! I am furious. Furious is me. I won’t be me if I’m not angry. Stop talking like you know me; you’re freaking me out. And I’m telling you: there’s no good to this. Stop being persistent or I’ll kill you.

Nice me: You’re truly adorable. Wait, I’ve thought of something dandy! You know what? Maybe the world is doing you a favor! Look at it this way: school is coming, and it will be your advantage if while it’s still vacation, you can give up on TV. The world just doesn’t want to give you a hard time juggling with withdrawal pangs and freshie conundrums. Can’t you see? The world is sooo good to you! It . . . Ahhk!!!

[End of conversation. Furious knocks Nice unconscious, then flays and chops and minces her.]


I have finally summoned the courage to call a friend who I think I have offended. I kept putting it off for fear that she will not talk to me. It all started because of a sentimental letter I gave her. As you may have noticed, I have the inclination to think that I am the most pitiable person after Princess Sarah when she was still a slave (because I am). One day, I was again feeling like life’s favorite prey and I felt really terrible and like I just had to let it out or I’ll barf and . . . and . . . being the horrible person that I am, I poured all my aches and frustrations onto a letter and gave it to her (on her party). I’m mean, I know. I apologized and made amends, but maybe I did not have to. She did not sound like she hated me because of it. Elizabeth is really one of the nicest people on earth. She will study at my dream school (aka the school that dumped me). I worship Elizabeth.


Twin Spica has ended, as what I’ve ranted in the first part of this entry. I’m not sure if Animax will rerun it or just take it off from their list. Honestly, I was not able to get the ending much, maybe because I’ve only begun watching it halfway through. I really don’t know much about the series; I don’t even know the complete names of the characters. But I do know enough to make me like it.

Twin Spica just has this pull to me because I once harbored delusions of reaching outer space, stepping on the moon and experiencing weightlessness. I just feel that I could have been just like Asumi, if only 1) I was much stronger (My left knee is abnormal; it cannot support or exert great force. My doctor had attested to this. ), 2) there was a space academy in the Philippines, and; 3) I had an imaginary friend and the courage to be different.

Mali ata punctuation marks ko. Whatever. Anyway, I think the ending was rather abrupt. I mean, it ended when I still had gazillions of episodes in mind. But I think that’s the thing about Twin Spica: the way the story becomes your story. It is about dreams, and if you can identify your dreams with those of the characters, you become a part of the story. You begin to dream with them.

Another thing I liked about it was that there was no antagonist. Asumi’s teacher does not qualify, because he himself is a victim. No one onscreen embodies evil in its darkest sense. The idea of an evil, everyone-hates-me character (or characters) is just hackneyed. Or perhaps not really. I am afraid of incurring the ire of those people who think otherwise. Jezzah = chicken

Twin Spica is an anime that calls to mind bright, cheerful and happy days. In this dark, miserable, lonely world we live in, it may just be the release we need.
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