i just finished watching The Day After Tomorrow. man, it never fails. no matter how hoaky the end of the world movie is, i always sob uncontrollably like a little baby. lol i'm sitting here like "that *sniff* couldn't *hicsob* happen like *blows nose* that *has to pause movie so's to regain self control*" hahaha.
also? dennis quaid + jake gyllenhaal = hottest family evar.
apropos of the end of the world, if you're interested in these sorts of things, check out the book
Dust by Charles Pellegrino. I remember my dad recommended I read it, and I was actually very impressed. obviously, as with all sci-fi, especially apocolyptic sci-fi, there is a certain amount of belife that must be suspended, but i, personally, enjoyed the hell out of that book. :D