
Aug 04, 2014 15:14

На старости лет узнала, что знакомое с детства имя путешественника Тура Хейрдала на норвежском пишется как Thor. :)

Несколько цитат из Odin and Thor: The Origins, History and Religious Evolution of the Norse Gods себе на память:

Interestingly, Roman observers believed that both Lugus in Gaul and Odin in Germany were actually representations of their god Mercury.

One important concept that Jung examined that has particular relevance on a study of Odin is the idea of the "psychopomp." In mythology, a psychopomp is the figure who delivers the souls of the dead from the land of the living to the afterlife. But Jung pushed further and explained that psychopomps were also mediators between the conscious and unconscious parts of people’s minds. These figures are sometimes animals, like ravens (who have a special connection to Odin), sometimes human, like shamans who assist the spiritual journeys of their flocks, and sometimes mythical human-like beings, such as Odin. Odin is a perfect example of a Jungian psychopomp, as he navigates not only life and death but also the worlds of the seen and unseen, between magic and reality. He is a god of prophecy , and, like the shaman, his insight into the hidden realm provides insight into the future.

The rune "thorn ," written Þ, represented the sound /th/, but it was also associated with Thor and meant "looking beyond evil". It also represented giants. The paradox of a single sign representing Thor and his archenemies is interesting and was perhaps important in the interpretation of the system.

Some of the superstitions revolving around the god have held on in unexpected ways. For instance, there are some stories from Gothland (Southern Sweden) that the insect scarabeus was sacred to Thor and called Thorbagge (" Thor's Bug"). Legend says that if a person encounters a thorbagge upside down in a bath and rights the poor bug, 7 sins are erased as a thank you. While the connection to Thor has been largely forgotten, Christians still turn over the bugs to erase their sins.

А про супер-героев и комиксы, оказывается, умные курсы в университетах читают (напр., Comics as Literature) и толстые книжки пишут, вроде Super Heroes: A Modern Mythology (Studies in Popular Culture). Нет, я не искала эту информацию намеренно, она сама пришла. :D

ссылки, Тор, цитаты, мифология, книги, Один, комиксы

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