May 16, 2005 11:52
-YESES(now more organized)-
Kyle Bush (double checked)-wants to walk
Matthew Cyrus (double checked)
{Me (going, obviously)
{Gary Knott (double checked)
{Katie Thompson (double checked)
[Kirsti Sanders (double checked)
Amy Finch (double checked)
{Nicci Robinson (double checked)
{*Garrett Carpenter
Corey Hanson (double checked)
{Davis Hammett (double checked)
{Carson Kohlmeyer (double checked)
Brittany White (double checked)
{John Rodgers (double checked)
Keith Luckock (double checked)
Eric Rodseth (double checked)
Erik Mueller (double checked)
{Sarah-gal pal
*Jaci Brooks
*Dinah Kertz-call to remind
*Austin Woodruff-call to remind
*Danny Ingram-call to remind
*Hilary Cartwright-call to remind
*Diana Schmidt-call to remind
{Becca Campbell-no number, Diana's contacting/bringing her
*Caity McDowell-call to remind & double check
Ben Brewer (....?....)
Cody Cantrell (Coming from 12:30-1:30, if wakes up on time)
Shannon Green (Emergency room? Health problems? Hope not. Love you, Shannon!)
Jordan Guarisco (....?....)
Raymond Knott (Coming day of, if feels like it)
Amberosia Mahoney (still trying to contact again)
Holly Owen (Maybe she thought it was today?)
Justin Perrin (Would need ride to be at work by 4)
Megan Rambo (We may be able to pick Meggie up, but need to check.)
Any others still? It's tomorrow, you know. Not much time left to decide whether or not you love me.