Long, but important.

May 16, 2005 05:08

I get a cake! Hooray! Miss Lisa (Keith's mom, who owns Cakes By Jan) and is making me one! She's so awesome. I have to call her today and discuss.

Brittany's still bringing Twister, but I'd kinda like two games of it. Megan has a game, but she might not be able to attend.

KIRSTI, do you have Twister? I thought you did... *shrug*

ERIK, bring that swing dance mix CD we made. I want to dance with you.

SOMEONE, Get me a DISPOSABLE CAMERA for my birthday. I'd like to have pictures of this. Or, you can get one for yourself, take pictures for me and get doubles! That'd be best, thanks

EVERYONE, pleeeease bring CDs. Music, music, music. Anything except country, R&B, soul, popular pop (ex. Britney Spears, Christina Aguwhater), or gangsta rap. There are a few rap songs that I do like, but it'd be pointless to even bother sorting through the crap ones that suck. Old school rap's okay, I guess. But almost anything else would be great.

Extended list!

-YESES(now more organized)-
Matthew Cyrus (double checked)
{Kyle Bush (double checked)
{Amy Finch (double checked)
{Gary Knott (double checked)
{Katie Thompson (double checked)
[Kirsti Sanders (double checked)
Corey Hanson (double checked)
{Davis Hammett (double checked)
{Carson Kohlmeyer (double checked)
Brittany White (double checked)
{John Rodgers (double checked)
Keith Luckock (double checked)
Eric Rodseth (double checked)
*Dinah Kertz-call to remind
*Erik Mueller-call to remind
*Austin Woodruff-call to remind
*Danny Ingram-call to remind
*Hilary Cartwright-call to remind
*Diana Schmidt-call to remind
{Becca Campbell-no number, Diana's contacting/bringing her
*Caity McDowell-call to remind & double check

Ben Brewer
Garrett Carpenter
Shannon Green
Jordan Guarisco
Raymond Knott
Amberosia Mahoney
Holly Owen
Justin Perrin
Megan Rambo
Nicci Robinson

Lizzy can't go... =C But! Hopefully she and I can spend some pre-birthday time tomorrow! Er, today. Ugh. I'll be getting 3 hours of sleep. (an hour later: make that 2) I have to call her today at 1:30. From the library, probably. I don't think I'm gonna walk to the school today. Exam days suck, I'm spending the afternoon with Lizzy, and I need to talk with Susan and/or Matt about tomorrow.

Ben Brewer-Dad said yes, but I haven't gotten to talk with Ben himself yet.
Garrett Carpenter-Needs parental okay & ride from FWBHS at 3:30.
Shannon Green-Needs parental permission.
Jordan Guarisco-Needs parental permission?
Raymond Knott-Will decide day of.
Amberosia Mahoney-I need to contact again/work scedule
Holly Owen-Needs to check work schedule.
Justin Perrin-Would need ride from party to work before 4.
Megan Rambo-Needs ride from home?
Nicci Robinson-Would need ride from Bruner at 2:45.

I've asked others, but have yet to receive any response from them. I've contacted the above people at least once. They gave me iffy/uncertain responses. (This is with the exception of Ben. I've only talked with his dad.)

-DIRECTIONS from Eglin Pkwy-
Do you know how to get to the library in downtown FWB? The parking lot of it, that is. Well, if you're heading south on south Eglin Pkwy, you'll need to take a left at First Street. (First street is the closest parallel street to Hwy 98.) On your right, you'll pass the library parking lot. A short ways down the road, you'll see the Bangkok House (also on your right). Turn into the parking lot of the Bangkok House. It connects with the parking lot of Truffles & Bistro 2.1.5. Tadda! You've made it!

-DIRECTIONS from the foot of the Brooks Bridge & East 98-
At the first stoplight after crossing the bridge, you'll take a right onto Perry Avenue. *At the next stoplight (the intersection of Perry Avenue and First Street), you'll take a left onto First. On your left will be a Thai restaurant called the Bangkok House. Turn into their parking lot. Follow the lot until you reach the Truffles/Bistro 2.1.5. section, aaaaaaand you're there.

-DIRECTIONS from West Hwy 98-
Travel west on 98 until you've reached the last stoplight before the Brooks Bridge. Take a left at that stoplight onto Perry Avenue. Continue with the above directions for the route from East 98 beginning at the asterick.

If you get lost, you could always call Truffles at 244-3311.

If you want to go, you better leave a damn comment if I haven't gotten in touch with you yet. Or, you could always just... show up! It's a public place and all...
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