I don't mind being slapped I deserve the blows ya know I speak the truth ask god he knows

Feb 25, 2011 11:29

N-Kun, who is said to be a bad drunk, is often out clubbing, and frequently abuses random people he doesn't know, has been busted again in Roppongi. This time, he was dangerously flailing an umbrella around outside a club and screaming out to girls "Hey baby, which cabaret club you workin at?!"

Umbrellas seem to be the weapon of choice for Johnny's guys, don't they. OMG RYO AND SHO THE ABUSIVE, UMBRELLA WEILDING TEAM OF AWESOME! *swoons*

[Remember this?: "Not only that, but there is talk on the net that Sho called a fan ugly, and said to one fan 'Why should I have to shake hands with someone as ugly as you?'. Saying horrible things to fans, and even throwing his umbrella at one. THREW HIS UMBRELLA! I picture a major hissy fit ending with a petulant throw-down of the umbrella. LOL. Sho, meet Ryo, you guys will make an awesome insult team, and all the better that your names rhyme."]

Oh yes, my inner fangirl just flipped her shit ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

I'm going to assume this would be 'Nishikido-Kun' anyway on the grounds that 1) He is known for being a bad drunk, 2) he is often out clubbing in Roppongi, 3) he frequently abuses randoms, and 4) his sir-name starts with N. lol. Plus this just oozes Nishikido Ryo style and class. Feel free to make your own assumptions though, you may have reason to believe it's Nakamaru. Ah, that just makes me laugh. More funnies.

Thanks as always to Tantei File.

Edit: Found other articles on this naming Nishikido Ryo. My hero.

Also sorry it's been a bit quiet around here lately, I've just finished the very last of my assessment for uni EVER and should be graduating shortly so yey for that. Plus I don't control the gossip, Koki (apparently) does so if you want more interesting stuff than 'Kimutaku is kind of like god', 'New group debutes; influx of ovary explosion patients at hospitals', or 'Aiba is an airhead, seriously', then you know who to speak to.

Since it's been slow though, I decided we could have a go at making our own gossip up 8D you KNOW this is how gossip sites come up with their johnny's stuff on friday avo. email polls, ftw.

POLL IS NOW CLOSED as it's Monday morning and I'm writing the article from the results. You can still take the poll but the results will not affect the post I am making. Just for the record the current results right now are:

Ryo and Jin (equal votes! ahahahaha!) rocked up in a gangsters cadillac, wearing 'Me and Pi' t-shirts, were followed into a nightclub where body shots were done (off each other? mmm, hot), umbrellas were weilded, party people were referred to, and panties were worn on heads upon exit.

Poll It was a Friday night in Roppongi...

I'll write the results into a post after the weekend ;)

nishikido ryo, gossip

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