Jun 01, 2004 16:34
Type your user name with your...
nose: 875r498_deir54q
elbow: zuri_dira
Tongue: OK, I refuse to touch my tongue to this keyboard. Too much stuff spilled on it. Ew.
Chin: jhrfk_dcikfza
Feet: zuri_dira
Eyes closed and one finger:zuri_dira
back of hand: zuri_dirsa
Palm: zajrf4_dfiort5f4
Mouse: ziraq_deirq
Wrist: zitfrk_fdklrtfs
Good stuff, and I've salvaged my tongue.
So, one more day of school left, two days until I graduate. The best part of this whole process is walking to a classroom and thinking, "Ahhh, the last time I'll ever have to be in (insert class here). Especially applicable to government, journalism and java.