Yesterday really fucking sucked. Today? So far, one giant ton of suckage. And some of the assholes who called meetings yesterday to yell at me for no reason keep trying to act like they are my best friend again today, which really pisses me off.
I had a tech scout today for 2 hours in an unheated bar. I couldn’t feel my feet by the end of it. I can’t WAIT to shoot for 12 hours there.
And the bitching has ended. As ridiculous as it sounds, nothing makes a shitty day better like ending it at the AIDS hospice. I know, I am probably the only person in the world who gets cheered up by visiting people slowly rotting away. I had an amazing group of volunteers last night. Some of them were total morons, of course, but there was one guy in particular who really got to me. It takes a special kind of person to make it at the hospice, it takes an even more amazing person to make it through a night with N. N has advanced stage AIDS. He has lost a few limbs, he has advanced dementia, he has gone blind. But he just loves to talk. He takes quite a toll on volunteers, usually I have to rotate them out. But this guy? He sat with N all night, and came up to me at the end to tell me he couldn’t wait to sign up for the next one. He’s good people. I had a great conversation with one of the residents last night about how his son had just come to visit him- he hadn’t seen his son in 10 years. Most of the people in the hospice come from really rough backgrounds, and sometimes you get reminders of what their lives must be like. It was nice to just give this guy someone to talk to for a little while- he obviously doesn’t get a lot of visitors. He told me about people thinking he doesn’t speak English and talking shit behind his back, and being estranged from his son, and he even tried to teach me how to cha-cha…from his wheelchair. By the time we had cleaned up at the end of the night, he had wheeled down to the elevators to say goodbye to us...he kind of got to me. I hope he is there next month. And now I am done being maudlin too.
Giant margaritas with
agentjuana tonight. The day is looking up.