Turning on the charm ;-)

Jul 28, 2009 16:45

Okay, so it's been awhile since my last post.. It's not that I didn't have time to update which was always the case before, but I guess after awhile it gets a bit boring writing (and reading!) about where I went for lunch or what I did with my friends.. :-P
As mentioned in an earlier post, things have been pretty much the same.. I mean, I still go to the same places and still like eating the same kinds of food.. So yeah, no need to keep talking about that again and again, right? Hehe

The other night over dinner, I brought up the option of not working til I start my Masters or til I get bored.. And the good news is Papa has given me the thumbs up! Hahah so basically I don't have to work now if I don't feel like it yet, and he has agreed to pay for any classes I wish to take.. Awesome right? I know! :-D
So yeah, top of my list right now is learning Spanish and sewing..
Hahah I've mentioned learning Spanish a couple of times before, but god knows where sewing came from! I was never interested before.. C'mon, I was one of those girls who used to send her Kemahiran Hidup projects to a tailor la pls! Jahit butang pun fail kot.. Heheh but yeah, it would be quite fun dontchu think? Learning to make my own cushions and stuff.. Hee!
The hard part now is actually looking for a place to learn all these things.. I proposed going to Spain for a couple of months to learn Spanish, but Mama just laughed it off.. Aiyo :-/
So yeah, any of you know anywhere/anyone who offers these classes? I wanttt!

Owh yeah, in line with my quest to find the "Ambitious Zizi", I have started making jewellery again! The mood struck me the other day and when that happens, it's best to stop procrastinating and just do it! So yes, here's what I've done so far :-)

Got the charms during my trip to Singapore last year and I think they are super cute! :-D
I want moreee! Damnson.
Charm bracelets are loveee <3

Pa, can I be a jewellery designer please please please? Think about it mkay? Hee.

parents, jewellery, spain

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