Winter in Melbourne Part 1

Jul 18, 2008 11:59

Okay, exactly four weeks ago I arrived in Melbourne and yes I know this is long over due, but I hope you'll enjoy reading it anyways :-)

I could not get any sleep on the plane, no matter how hard I tried.. What made things worse was I got my period just before boarding the plane.. Talk about perfect timing. Blegh. So yeah, had to face the fact that I'd be having panda eyes on my first day.. Boo.

Arrived in Melbourne around 7am on Friday and the first stop after dropping off our luggage was Victoria Market to get groceries and other essentials..

Queen Victoria Market

Killing time while waiting for Mama to finish shopping ;-)

Received a text from Adam asking whether we've arrived already or not.
Told him I was freezing my ass off in Victoria Market coz it was so bloody cold..
He just had to make it worse by saying "Nah, today aint cold.. A bit warm actually.. Lol"
Whaaat?? Die. Dieee.

After checking into our apartment a.k.a home, me and Sha went to check out some shops.. Was feeling PMS-y and thought Supre would be the perfect cure to my pain :-)
Boy, I was so wrong.
Tak best gila pls! Everything was black (the interior, not the bajus..but then again most of the bajus were black also)
So yeah, you thought Lim Kok WIng was bad (no offence), ni lagi chronic pls! Even the fitting room walls are black.. How laa to see? Boo.
The music was so loud blasting in my ear, I swear it just put me off. *sigh*

So after a very depressing trip to Supre, I met up with.... hmm let's just call him Jo. *wink*
He brought these cute cupcakes and chinese noodles in a box. Then we got random hot chocolate and walked to a random park and chilled. So there you have it, the first of its kind in our random date series ;-)
Since it was winter time, it got dark pretty early so we headed back to my apartment..
Everyone was too tired to head out for dinner so we ordered lamb pizza.. I swear to God, it's the best kind of pizza ever! Lamb AND pizza, in one! Genius! :-D

Saturday was Vic Mart day again coz Mama just can't seem to get enough of it.. Was feeling less PMS-y compared to the first day so I got to browse through the market this time.. Got some really nice jelly donuts there too! :-D
In the afternoon, I met up with Amir.. Had pancakes at Pancake Parlour which was really nice.. So yeah, got to cross that off my Food List. Hee. Browsed around some shops and got a pretty top from Valleygirl :-)
Met up with Adam in the evening and had hot chocs at Max Brenner.. Soo sedap pls! And you must check out the mugs, they're so cute :-D
I think we were like the loudest people there! Lol

Headed back out for dinner with Jo, where we bought takeout sushi and walked to Federation Square for churros..
Too bad nothing interesting was playing on the big screen, so we sat down by the river to eat. Heheh
And no, it's not as dodgy as it may sound pls! It was really nice.. :-D
Headed up to Lygon St to meet up with his friends and got to have Fredo's gelati (apa beza dgn gelato pls?) for dessert.. Yummy!

The next day, we headed to Camberwell to check out the Sunday market.. Too bad it had to rain though! Boo. Good thing I bought a hat at Vic Mart the previous day, and someone was nice enough to lend me his stripey scarf ;-)
Found a Smiggles store there and was so rambang mata coz the stationery is so cuteee but I couldn't decide what to get so I didn't get any! :-(

Headed to Southbank to check out its arts & craft market and had Dutch pancakes.. Yum!
There was this cupcake stall that sold the prettiest, most sinful looking cupcakes but I was too bloated..
They even had a cupcake personality test thingy to determine which flavour suits your character.. Mine is the chocolate cupcake with chocolate icing (can't remember the name) :-D

Sha's attempt at being a spy a bit tak jadi la right? :-P lol

Ehee! =)

The Mushroom family :-D

Headed to Lygon St again for lunch at Toto's, this Italian restaurant.. Took a walk while checking out the nice cafes along the street.. I like :-)
We stayed in for dinner coz Mama cooked rice and lauks.. Mmm.
Had strawberries and cream for dessert and watched some FoxTel... Nicee! ;-)

*Stay tuned for Part 2! :-)*

SUPRÉ, shopping, vacation, pms, parents, cupcakes, australia, sha

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